mysql - 您如何解释以下 innotop 输出?

标签 mysql database innodb

我正在尝试使用 InnoDB 存储引擎优化运行 MySQL 的应用程序。

在实时环境中运行 innotop 时,我得到以下输出:

When   Load  QPS     Slow  QCacheHit  KCacheHit  BpsIn   BpsOut 
Now    0.00   87.80     0     41.21%    100.00%  11.51k  836.42k
Total  0.00  105.50   190     15.04%     99.34%  13.23k  692.85k

WhenLoadQPSSlow 是不言自明的。

但是 QCacheHitKCacheHitBpsInBpsOut 呢?一般来说,哪些值被认为是“好的”值,我应该什么时候开始担心?



是的,我是 innotop 的作者。我加入了这些功能,这样人们就不会再要求我这样做了。



Major points in this article:

  • Counter ratios are meaningless as a performance analysis metric because they are a) ratios of b) counters.
    • You need to look at absolute magnitude, not ratios.
    • For performance analysis, you need to measure elapsed time, not just the number of times something happens.
  • In the absence of timing information, and if you trust the cache’s creator and assume that misses are more expensive than hits, then you care about cache misses, not cache hits.
  • A Key_read is not guaranteed to be a random physical I/O, but it might be. Gather Key_reads/Uptime over 10-second or 60-second intervals and compare the results to your IO system’s capabilities.
  • MySQL doesn’t have good instrumentation for scientifically choosing a key_buffer_size setting, but there are many unscientific approaches that are better than ratio-based tuning.
  • Counter ratios suck for everything, not just for MyISAM tuning.

I’ve had some heated arguments over these points, so I don’t expect the above to pass without controversy. But really, it’s time to stop with the bad advice about counter ratios. The sooner we do that, the sooner we can move on to better things.

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