database - 连接池 什么是 removeAbandoned?

标签 database jdbc connection-pooling

什么是放弃的连接?如果我设置会发生什么 removeAbandoned = 假?




设置 removeAbandoned = false 可能会导致连接中断错误,因为有太多连接处于放弃状态,然后您的应用程序将耗尽连接。将没有任何连接可用于执行任务。

设置 removeAbandoned = true 将在为 removeAbandonedTimeout 设置的时间限制后关闭连接。


根据 Tomcat页:

(boolean) Flag to remove abandoned connections if they exceed the removeAbandonedTimeout. If set to true a connection is considered abandoned and eligible for removal if it has been in use longer than the removeAbandonedTimeout Setting this to true can recover db connections from applications that fail to close a connection. See also logAbandoned The default value is false.

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