php - Laravel 从数据库加载设置

标签 php database configuration laravel-5 settings

我正在寻找一种使用 Laravel 5 从数据库加载设置/配置的有效方法。设置由 keyvalue 列组成,基本上是模型类看起来像这样:


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Setting extends Model
    protected $table = 'settings';
    protected $fillable = ['key', 'value'];
    protected $primaryKey = 'key';


 * Get the value for the given setting from the database.
 * @param  string  $key
 * @return string
function setting($key)
    $setting = Setting::whereKey($key)->firstOrFail();

    return $setting->value;

// $foo = setting('foo'); returns 'bar'

为了改进这一点,我在 App\Classes 目录中创建了一个名为 Setting 的自定义类(并为其创建了一个 Facade):


namespace App\Classes;

use Cache;

class Setting {

     * The array of settings
     * @var array $settings
    protected $settings = [];

     * Instantiate the class.
    public function __construct()

     * Pull the settings from the database and cache them.
     * @return void;
    protected function loadSettings()
        $settings = Cache::remember('settings', 24*60, function() {
            return \App\Setting::all()->toArray();

        $this->settings = array_pluck($settings, 'value', 'key');

     * Get all settings.
     * @return array;
    public function all()
        return $this->settings;

     * Get a setting value by it's key.
     * An array of keys can be given to retrieve multiple key-value pair's.
     * @param  string|array  $key;
     * @return string|array;
    public function get($key)
        if( is_array($key) ) {
            $keys = [];

            foreach($key as $k) {
                $keys[$k] = $this->settings[$k];

            return $keys;

        return $this->settings[$key];


// $foo = Setting::get('foo');


我开始理解 L5 中的 Repository 模式,但我还没有理解。我认为在这种情况下这太过分了。我很想听听我的方法是否有意义。


这是 Laravel 5.5 的更新答案。

首先,为您的settings 表创建迁移:

Schema::create('settings', function (Blueprint $table) {



namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Setting extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['key', 'value'];

现在,在 AppServiceProvider 中,将以下内容添加到您的 boot() 方法中:

if (Schema::hasTable('settings')) {
    foreach (Setting::all() as $setting) {
        Config::set('settings.'.$setting->key, $setting->value);

这将为数据库中的每个设置创建 config('settings.*'),其中 * 是键。


    'key' => 'example',
    'value' => 'Hello World',

现在您可以访问 config('settings.example'),这将为您提供 Hello World


Setting::where('key', 'example')->update([
    'value' => 'My New Value',

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