c# - 没有 lambda 表达式的路由

标签 c# lambda nancy

下面是the official example用于在 Nancy 中注册路线.但是,如果我不想在该方法中“做某事”,而是在 DoSomething() 中执行怎么办?

public class ProductsModule : NancyModule
    public ProductsModule()
        Get["/products/{id}"] = _ =>
            //do something

public abstract class NancyModule : INancyModule, IHideObjectMembers
    public RouteBuilder Get { get; }

public class RouteBuilder : IHideObjectMembers
    public RouteBuilder(string method, NancyModule parentModule);
    public Func<dynamic, dynamic> this[string path] { set; }

我不知道 DoSomething 应该有什么签名。这可以像下面这样工作吗?并不是说我不能使用 lambda 表达式;我只是好奇,因为 Nancy 使用的所有这些模式看起来都非常奇怪和独特。

public class ProductsModule : NancyModule
    ???? DoSomething(????)
        //do something
        return ????

    public ProductsModule()
        Get["/products/{id}"] = DoSomething;


来自 Nancy 文档:

A route Action is the behavior which is invoked when a request is matched to a route. It is represented by a lambda expression of type Func<dynamic, dynamic> where the dynamic input is a DynamicDictionary, a special dynamic type that is defined in Nancy and is covered in Taking a look at the DynamicDictionary.


Get["/products/{id}"] = DoSomething;


private dynamic DoSomething(dynamic parameters)

关于c# - 没有 lambda 表达式的路由,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41502366/


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