c# - 优化 XNA 中的高流量函数

标签 c# .net optimization xna

我有一个每次更新都会调用数十万次的函数,我需要对其进行优化。现在,我通常遵循“不要过早优化”的规则,但这是一个关键功能,几乎我所有的代码时间都花在了这个功能上,所以你能提出的任何建议都会有所帮助。我也不熟悉可用于优化 XNA 或 c# 代码的任何类型的提示和技巧。你能帮帮我吗?

if (linearPosition.Y < _min.Y || linearPosition.Y > _max.Y)// the nonlinear space commisioned doesn't cover it so that's the behavior i want, same case with next line
    return linearPosition;
if (linearPosition.X < _min.X || linearPosition.X > _max.X)
    return linearPosition;
PositionData[] fourNearestPoints = new PositionData[4] 
    new PositionData {distance = float.MaxValue},
    new PositionData {distance = float.MaxValue},
    new PositionData {distance = float.MaxValue},
    new PositionData {distance = float.MaxValue}

for (int x = 0; x < _restPositions.GetLength(0); x++)
    for (int y = 0; y < _restPositions.GetLength(1); y++)
        PositionData temp = new PositionData
            indexX = x,
            indexY = y,
            value = _restPositions[x,y],
            distance = (linearPosition - _restPositions[x,y]).Length()
        if (temp.distance < fourNearestPoints[0].distance)
            fourNearestPoints[3] = fourNearestPoints[2];
            fourNearestPoints[2] = fourNearestPoints[1];
            fourNearestPoints[1] = fourNearestPoints[0];
            fourNearestPoints[0] = temp;
Vector2 averageRestVector = new Vector2((fourNearestPoints[0].value.X +
    fourNearestPoints[1].value.X +
    fourNearestPoints[2].value.X +
    fourNearestPoints[3].value.X) / 4,
    (fourNearestPoints[0].value.Y +
    fourNearestPoints[1].value.Y +
    fourNearestPoints[2].value.Y +
    fourNearestPoints[3].value.Y) / 4);
Vector2 averageDeformedVector = new Vector2((_deformedPositions[fourNearestPoints[0].indexX, fourNearestPoints[0].indexY].X +
    _deformedPositions[fourNearestPoints[1].indexX, fourNearestPoints[1].indexY].X +
    _deformedPositions[fourNearestPoints[2].indexX, fourNearestPoints[2].indexY].X +
    _deformedPositions[fourNearestPoints[3].indexX, fourNearestPoints[3].indexY].X) / 4,
    (_deformedPositions[fourNearestPoints[0].indexX, fourNearestPoints[0].indexY].Y +
    _deformedPositions[fourNearestPoints[1].indexX, fourNearestPoints[1].indexY].Y +
    _deformedPositions[fourNearestPoints[2].indexX, fourNearestPoints[2].indexY].Y +
    _deformedPositions[fourNearestPoints[3].indexX, fourNearestPoints[3].indexY].Y) / 4);

Vector2 displacement = averageDeformedVector - averageRestVector;
return linearPosition + displacement;


我要尝试的第一件事是丢失 fourNearestPoints 数组...也许只对 4 个最近的位置使用 4 个变量。你总是通过常量索引来处理它,所以这应该是一个简单的改变,特别是如果你像数组索引一样命名:

PositionData fourNearestPoints_0 = ...,
             fourNearestPoints_1 = ...,
             fourNearestPoints_2 = ...,
             fourNearestPoints_3 = ...;

接下来我要看的是 _restPositions 的用法;我不知道 GetLength(在此使用中)是否会被优化,所以我会尝试预先缓存它。在线性数组中,.Length 被优化(至少在完整的 CLR 中)- 但不是 GetLength AFAIK:

int width = _restPositions.GetLength(0), height = _restPositions.GetLength(1);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)

还有;什么是 PositionDatastruct 还是 class?我很想尝试这两者——确保它是不可变的,并通过构造函数传递数据以使 IL 更 slim :

PositionData temp = new PositionData(x, y, _restPositions[x,y],
        (linearPosition - _restPositions[x,y]).Length());


    PositionData temp = new PositionData
        indexX = x,
        indexY = y,
        value = _restPositions[x,y],
        distance = (linearPosition - _restPositions[x,y]).Length()
    if (temp.distance < fourNearestPoints[0].distance)
        fourNearestPoints[3] = fourNearestPoints[2];
        fourNearestPoints[2] = fourNearestPoints[1];
        fourNearestPoints[1] = fourNearestPoints[0];
        fourNearestPoints[0] = temp;


var distance = (linearPosition - _restPositions[x,y]).Length();
if (distance < fourNearestPoints_0.distance) {
    fourNearestPoints_3 = fourNearestPoints_2;
    fourNearestPoints_2 = fourNearestPoints_1;
    fourNearestPoints_1 = fourNearestPoints_0;
    fourNearestPoints_0 = new PositionData(x, y, _restPositions[x,y], distance);

我也对 distance=... 行感兴趣;有很多我们看不到的地方可能需要更多的工作——- 运算符和 Length() 方法。

我假设 Length() 涉及平方根是否正确? (昂贵)您可以通过以平方距离工作来避免这种情况。您可能需要使用不求根的平方长度方法来明确这一点,并在整个过程中比较平方长度,但您可以节省大量 CPU 周期。这可用作 LengthSquared() .

关于c# - 优化 XNA 中的高流量函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1654041/


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