c# - XNA 使用 2D 相机查找鼠标位置

标签 c# xna camera mouse tile

我已经尝试了我在网上找到的所有方法来获取鼠标相对于相机的位置,但没有任何效果。选择图 block 总是远离鼠标绘制。另外,我如何只更改我点击的图 block 而不是每个具有相同纹理的图 block


public class Camera : Game1
    protected float _zoom;
    public Matrix _transform;
    public Vector2 _pos;
    protected float _rotation;

    public Camera()
        _zoom = 1.0f;
        _rotation = 0.0f;
        _pos = Vector2.Zero;

    public float Zoom
        get { return _zoom; }
        set { _zoom = value; if (_zoom < 0.1f) _zoom = 0.1f; } // Negative zoom will flip image

    public float Rotation
        get { return _rotation; }
        set { _rotation = value; }

    public void Move(Vector2 amount)
        _pos += amount;

    public Vector2 Pos
        get { return _pos; }
        set { _pos = value; }

    public Matrix get_transformation()
        _transform = 
                     Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-_pos.X, -_pos.Y, 0)) *
                     Matrix.CreateRotationZ(Rotation) *
                     Matrix.CreateScale(_zoom) *
                     Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(1024 * 0.5f, 768 * 0.5f, 0));
        return _transform;

    public void Update()

    protected virtual void Input()
        KeyboardState _keyState;
        _keyState = Keyboard.GetState();

        if (_keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
            _pos.X -= 5f;
        if (_keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D))
            _pos.X += 5f;
        if (_keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.W))
            _pos.Y -= 5f;
        if (_keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.S))
            _pos.Y += 5f;


class TileGeneration
    public Block[] tiles = new Block[3];
    public int width, height;
    public int[,] index;
    public Texture2D grass, dirt, selection;
    bool selected;
    MouseState MS;
    Vector2 mousePos;

    Camera camera;

    public TileGeneration()


    public void Load(ContentManager content, GraphicsDevice g)
        grass = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Tiles/grass");
        dirt = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Tiles/dirt");
        selection = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Tiles/selection");

        tiles[0] = new Block { Type = BlockType.Grass, Position = Vector2.Zero, texture = grass};
        tiles[1] = new Block { Type = BlockType.Dirt, Position = Vector2.Zero, texture = dirt};

        width = 50;
        height = 50;

        index = new int[width, height];

        camera = new Camera();

        Random rand = new Random();
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                index[x,y] = rand.Next(0,2);

    public void Update()
        MS = Mouse.GetState();
        Matrix inverseViewMatrix = Matrix.Invert(camera.get_transformation());
        Vector2 mousePosition = new Vector2(Mouse.GetState().X, Mouse.GetState().Y);
        Vector2 worldMousePosition = Vector2.Transform(mousePosition, inverseViewMatrix);
        mousePos = worldMousePosition;

        if (MS.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
            selected = true;

    public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
              spriteBatch.Draw(tiles[index[x,y]].texture, new Rectangle(x * 64, y * 64, 64, 64), 
              if (selected && IsMouseInsideTile(x, y))
                  if (tiles[index[x,y]].texture == grass)
                      tiles[index[x,y]].texture = dirt;
              if(IsMouseInsideTile(x, y))
                  spriteBatch.Draw(selection, new Rectangle(x * 64, y * 64, 64, 64), Color.White);

    public bool IsMouseInsideTile(int x, int y)
        return (mousePos.X >= x * 64 && mousePos.X <= (x + 1) * 64 &&
            mousePos.Y >= y * 64 && mousePos.Y <= (y + 1) * 64);


protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

        spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, null, null, 



enter image description here



// absoluteMouseX will be the value from your MouseState, and camera will be an instance of your class
// You may need to convert your rotation to radians.

float relativeMouseX = absoluteMouseX + camera.Pos.X;

float relativeMouseY = absoluteMouseY + camera.Pos.Y;

关于c# - XNA 使用 2D 相机查找鼠标位置,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10001277/


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