c# - 如何比较 POCO 之间的字段/属性?

标签 c# generics properties comparison poco


Possible Duplicate:
Comparing object properties in c#

假设我有一个 POCO:

public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
    public IList<Person> Relatives { get; set; }

我想比较 Person 的两个实例,看它们是否相等。当然,我会比较 NameDateOfBirthRelatives 集合,看看它们是否相等。但是,这将涉及我为每个 POCO 覆盖 Equals() 并手动为每个字段编写比较。

我的问题是,如何编写一个通用版本,这样我就不必为每个 POCO 都编写它?



using System; 
using System.Reflection; 

public static class ObjectHelper<t> 
    public static int Compare(T x, T y) 
        Type type = typeof(T); 
        var publicBinding = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public;
        PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(publicBinding); 
        FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(publicBinding); 
        int compareValue = 0; 

        foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) 
            IComparable valx = property.GetValue(x, null) as IComparable; 
            if (valx == null) 
            object valy = property.GetValue(y, null); 
            compareValue = valx.CompareTo(valy); 
            if (compareValue != 0) 
                return compareValue; 
        foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) 
            IComparable valx = field.GetValue(x) as IComparable; 
            if (valx == null) 
            object valy = field.GetValue(y); 
            compareValue = valx.CompareTo(valy); 
            if (compareValue != 0) 
                return compareValue; 
    return compareValue; 

关于c# - 如何比较 POCO 之间的字段/属性?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1652897/


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