c# - 捕获异常,然后抛出/发送异常并继续

标签 c# winforms exception try-catch


问题是我有一个 catch 寻找异常“FileNotFoundException”,当它被调用时我想继续我的 try 语句(使用“continue”)但让用户知道文件丢失。



    public void MergeClientFiles(string directory)
        // Find all clients
        Array clients = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Clients));

        // Create a new array of files
        string[] files = new string[clients.Length];

        // Combine the clients with the .txt extension
        for (int i = 0; i < clients.Length; i++)
            files[i] = clients.GetValue(i) + ".txt";

        // Merge the files into directory
        using (var output = File.Create(directory))
            foreach (var file in files)
                    using (var input = File.OpenRead(file))
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    // Its here I want to send the error to the form


您希望该方法完成其工作并向用户报告问题,对吗? 然后 Oded 提出了正确的建议。稍作修改,代码可能如下所示:

    public List<string> MergeClientFiles( string path )
        // Find all clients
        Array clients = Enum.GetValues( typeof( Clients ) );

        // Create a new array of files
        string[] files = new string[clients.Length];

        // Combine the clients with the .txt extension
        for( int i = 0; i < clients.Length; i++ )
            files[i] = clients.GetValue( i ) + ".txt";
        List<string> errors = new List<string>();

        // Merge the files into AllClientData
        using( var output = File.Create( path ) ) {
            foreach( var file in files ) {
                try {
                    using( var input = File.OpenRead( file ) ) {
                        input.CopyTo( output );
                catch( FileNotFoundException ) {
                    errors.Add( file );
        return errors;

然后,在调用方中,您只需检查 MergeClientFiles 是否返回非空集合。

关于c# - 捕获异常,然后抛出/发送异常并继续,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12554944/


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