c# - 如何跨类发布和订阅事件

标签 c# events delegates

目标:当 udp 或 tcp 使用其发送方法时更改表单上的图像



interface ISendData
  void Send();

TCP 连接类

//Need some type of delegate??

public class TCPconnection : ISendData
   void Send()
     //how invoke/fire a send Event?

UDP 连接类

//Need some type of delegate??

public class UDPConnection : ISendData
   void Send()
     //how invoke/fire a send event?

“应该”订阅查看触发事件的 winform

public class myForm
   private DataWatcher datawatcher = new DataWatcher();
   private Image statusIndicator = null;

   public myform()

     datawatcher.DataSendActive += new DataWatcherSendHandler(DataSending);
     datawatcher.DataSendInactive += new DataWatcherSendHandler(NoDataSending);

   public void DataSending(object sender, DataWatcherArgs e)
      statusIndicator = Properties.resources.greenLight;

   public void NoDataSending(object sender, DataWatcherArgs e)
      statusIndicator = Properties.resources.redLight;



 public delegate void EventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);

    class DataWatcher
        public event EventHandler DataSendActive;
        public event EventHandler DataSendInactive;

        protected virtual void onDataSendActive(System.EventArgs e)
            if (DataSendActive != null)
                DataSendActive(this, e);
        protected virtual void onDataSendInactive(System.EventArgs e)
            if (DataSendInactive != null)
                DataSendInactive(this, e);



public enum ActivityState

public interface IDataTransferManager
    // This event will fire when the activity state changes.
    // note that Action<T> is introduced in .NET 3.5
    // if you're using .NET 2.0, you can use a delegate.
    event Action<ActivityState> DataActivityStateChange;

    void Send(byte[] data);
    //byte[] Receive(); 
    // ... more methods ... //


现在 TcpConnection 类将实现它。

public class TcpConnection : IDataTransferManager
    public event Action<ActivityState> DataActivityStateChange;

    public void Send(byte[] data)
        // we're sending data. fire the change event

        //TODO: send the data

        // we're done sending. Fire the change event

    private void FireDataActivityStateChange(ActivityState state)
        // helper method, so I don't have to check the event 
        // to avoid null reference exceptions.
        if (DataActivityStateChange != null)



class MyForm // :Form
    IDataTransferManager dataManager;

    public MyForm()
    {   // here, usually an instance will be passed in, 
        // so there's only one instance throughout the application.
        // let's new up an instance for explanation purposes.
        dataManager = new TcpConnection();

        dataManager.DataActivityStateChange += (state) => 
            // NOTE: if you don't like inline, 
            // you can point this labda to a method.
            switch (state)
                case ActivityState.Sending:
                    // change the image to the spinning toilet ball
                case ActivityState.Receiving:
                    // change the image to the spinning toilet ball, but reverse :P
                case ActivityState.Idle:
                    // hide it ?

关于c# - 如何跨类发布和订阅事件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15456387/


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