c# - 如何使用 StyleCop 或 VS2010 检测重新抛出 C# 异常的错误方法?

标签 c# rethrow

我的同事是经验丰富的 C++ 黑客,现在转向 .Net。他们无意中犯的错误之一是编写如下代码:

catch(ArgumentExcepttion ae)
    // Code here logs the exception message
    // And this is supposed to re-throw the exeception
    throw ae; // as opposed to throw;
    // But, as we all know, doing this creates a new exception with a shorter stack trace.


throw new ArgumentException("text", ae /* inner exc */);


catch(Exception e)
    Exception newExc = new Exception("text", e);
    throw newExc;

我将不得不使用诸如 StyleCop(我有,版本之类的工具。我现在使用 VS2008,但很快就会切换到 VS2010。



FxCop 对此有一个规则:RethrowToPreserveStackDetails

Once an exception is thrown, part of the information it carries is the stack trace. The stack trace is a list of the method call hierarchy that starts with the method that throws the exception and ends with the method that catches the exception. If an exception is re-thrown by specifying the exception in the throw statement, the stack trace is restarted at the current method and the list of method calls between the original method that threw the exception and the current method is lost. To keep the original stack trace information with the exception, use the throw statement without specifying the exception.

我相信 FxCop Analysis 内置于 VS2010,但我不是 100% 确定...

这是 Microsoft download link for FxCop .

关于c# - 如何使用 StyleCop 或 VS2010 检测重新抛出 C# 异常的错误方法?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835506/


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