c# - 指令重新排序

标签 c# .net memory-barriers

我对 C#/.NET 中的合法指令重新排序有疑问。

让我们从这个例子开始。我们在某个类中定义了这个方法,其中 _a、_b 和 _c 是字段。

int _a;
int _b;
int _c;
void Foo()
   _a = 1; // Write 1
   _b = 1; // Write 2
   _c = 1; // Write 3


//memory operations
//memory operations

我想知道当这个方法调用被内联而不是函数调用时,什么样的合法指令重新排序是可能的。更具体地说,我想知道在 Foo() 中重新排序内存操作是否/何时是合法的,而内存操作在它之外(来 self 们之前的示例,//内存操作)。




C# Language Specification可以帮助回答这个问题。关于执行顺序的部分是这样说的:

3.10 Execution order

Execution of a C# program proceeds such that the side effects of each executing thread are preserved at critical execution points. ....The execution environment is free to change the order of execution of a C# program, subject to the following constraints:

  • Data dependence is preserved within a thread of execution. That is, the value of each variable is computed as if all statements in the thread were executed in original program order.

  • Initialization ordering rules are preserved (§10.5.4 and §10.5.5).

  • The ordering of side effects is preserved with respect to volatile reads and writes (§10.5.3).


从本质上讲,规则可以被认为是“抖动可能会重新安排执行顺序,只要执行线程无法观察到差异”。但是,其他 线程可能会观察到差异。在 post by Eric Lippert on the Coverity blog ,他说:

...the CPU may as an optimization choose to [rearrange execution order] provided that doing so is not detectable by the current thread. But that fact could be observed by another thread...


关于c# - 指令重新排序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22420368/


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