Python:何时使用 pty.fork() 与 os.fork()

标签 python linux fork kill pty

我不确定在从我的应用程序生成外部后台进程时是使用 pty.fork() 还是 os.fork()。 (比如国际象棋引擎)


这两个 fork 有哪些优缺点?


os.fork()创建的子进程继承父进程的stdin/stdout/stderr,而pty.fork()创建的子进程连接到新的伪终端。当你编写像 xterm 这样的程序时你需要后者:父进程中的 pty.fork() 返回一个描述符来控制子进程的终端,这样你就可以直观地表示来自它的数据并将用户操作转换成终端输入序列。


来自 pty(7) 手册页:

A process that expects to be connected to a terminal, can open the slave end of a pseudo-terminal and then be driven by a program that has opened the master end. Anything that is written on the master end is provided to the process on the slave end as though it was input typed on a terminal. For example, writing the interrupt character (usually control-C) to the master device would cause an interrupt signal (SIGINT) to be generated for the foreground process group that is connected to the slave. Conversely, anything that is written to the slave end of the pseudo-terminal can be read by the process that is connected to the master end.

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