c# - 在C#中查询另一个列表中的列表

标签 c#


public class Tbl
    public List<Row> Rows {get; set;}
public class Row
    public string Name {get; set;}
    public Value {get; set;}
//Using the class  
//Add rows to Tbl
Tbl t = new Tbl();
t.Rows.Add(new Row() {Name = "Row1", Value = "Row1Value"};
t.Rows.Add(new Row() {Name = "Row2", Value = "Row2Value"};
t.Rows.Add(new Row() {Name = "Row3", Value = "Row3Value"};

//Now I want to select the Row2 in this list, usually, I use this way
public Row GetRow(this Tbl t, string RowName)
    return t.Rows.Where(x => x.Name == RowName).FirstOrDefault();
Row r = t.GetRow("Row2");
//But I would like to use that way
Row r = t.Rows["Row2"];




扩展属性不存在,但您可以使用包装器围绕 List<Row>并添加 Indexer property

public class RowList : List<Row> {

    public Row this[string key] {
        get { return this.Where( x => x.Name == key ).FirstOrDefault(); }

public class Tbl
    public RowList Rows { get; set; }

Tbl t = new Tbl();
// ...
Row r = t.Rows["Row2"];

关于c# - 在C#中查询另一个列表中的列表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3334021/


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