c# - 某些专栏如何在linq & linq to NHibernate中使用Distinct

标签 c# linq distinct linq-to-nhibernate


public class Address : RootEntityBase
    virtual public string Province { set; get; }
    virtual public string City { set; get; }        
    virtual public string PostalCode { set; get; }


var myList = new List<Address>
               new Address {Province = "P1", City = "C1", PostalCode = "A"},
               new Address {Province = "P1", City = "C1", PostalCode = "B"},
               new Address {Province = "P1", City = "C1", PostalCode = "C"},

               new Address {Province = "P1", City = "C2", PostalCode = "D"},
               new Address {Province = "P1", City = "C2", PostalCode = "E"},

               new Address {Province = "P2", City = "C3", PostalCode = "F"},
               new Address {Province = "P2", City = "C3", PostalCode = "G"},
               new Address {Province = "P2", City = "C3", PostalCode = "H"},

               new Address {Province = "P2", City = "C4", PostalCode = "I"}

我需要通过两列提取这个 myList 的区别:Province & City


var myExpertResult = new List<Address>
                           new Address {Province = "P1", City = "C1"},
                           new Address {Province = "P1", City = "C2"},
                           new Address {Province = "P2", City = "C3"},
                           new Address {Province = "P2", City = "C4"}


var list = myList.Select(x => new Address {City = x.City, Province = x.Province}).Distinct().ToList();

但我的结果无效,因为结果的计数是 9,即所有地址。

SQL 中的等效查询是:select distinct Province , City from tblAddress

我还通过 linq to NHibernate 测试了这个查询。

var q = SessionInstance.Query<Address>();
        .Select(x => new Address { Province = x.Province, City = x.City }).Distinct().ToList();

但不支持此查询。异常消息是:此 SelectClauseVisitor 不支持表达式类型“NhDistinctExpression”。




var result = myList.GroupBy(a => new { a.Province, a.City })
      .Select(g => new Address { 
                  Province = g.Key.Province, 
                  City = g.Key.City 


 myList.Select(a => new { 
            Province = a.Province,
            City = a.City


另一种方法是客户 EqualityComparer,它使用 ProvinceCity 作为 EqualGetHashCode 方法与另一个重载 Distinct in here

关于c# - 某些专栏如何在linq & linq to NHibernate中使用Distinct,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12726166/


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