c# - 替换 int 中的字节

标签 c# bit-manipulation

一个int由4个字节组成。我怎样才能用一个新字节替换这 4 个字节中的一个。换句话说,我正在寻找一种方法:

int ReplaceByte(int index, int value, byte replaceByte)
     // implementation

例如,如果我有值 FFFFFFFF (-1),我想用 0A (10) 替换字节 0然后我将调用该方法:


我会喜欢那个方法返回我 FFFFFF0A

我是否必须将 int 转换为字节数组,然后替换我想要的字节,然后再转换回 int?我正在寻找一种有效的方法来做到这一点。我们正在创建一个连接到目标(板)的类似调试器的程序,并且我们非常频繁地更新这些值。




enter image description here



    static void Main ( string[ ] args )
        byte[ ] randomBytes = new byte[ 1024 * 1024 * 512 ]; 

        Random r = new Random( );
        r.NextBytes( randomBytes );

        Int64 sum;
        var now = DateTime.Now;

        Console.WriteLine( "Test 1" );
        sum = 0;
        now = DateTime.Now;
        foreach ( var bt in randomBytes )
            sum += ReplaceByte1( 1 , -1 , bt );

        Console.WriteLine( "Test 1 finished in {0} seconds \t hash = {1} \n" , ( DateTime.Now - now ).TotalSeconds, sum );

        Console.WriteLine( "Test 2" );
        sum = 0;
        now = DateTime.Now;
        foreach ( var bt in randomBytes )
            sum += ReplaceByte2( 1 , -1 , bt );

        Console.WriteLine( "Test 2 finished in {0} seconds \t hash = {1} \n" , ( DateTime.Now - now ).TotalSeconds,  sum );

        Console.WriteLine( "Test 3" );
        sum = 0;
        now = DateTime.Now;
        foreach ( var bt in randomBytes )
            sum += ReplaceByte3( 1 , -1 , bt );

        Console.WriteLine( "Test 3 finished in {0} seconds \t hash = {1} \n" , ( DateTime.Now - now ).TotalSeconds , sum );

        Console.Read( );            

    // test 1
    static int ReplaceByte1 ( int index , int value , byte replaceByte )
        return ( value & ~( 0xFF << ( index * 8 ) ) ) | ( replaceByte << ( index * 8 ) );

    // test 2
    static int ReplaceByte2 ( int index , int value , byte replaceByte )
        // how many bits you should shift replaceByte to bring it "in position"
        var shiftBits = 8 * index;

        // bitwise AND this with value to clear the bits that should become replaceByte
        var mask = ~( 0xff << shiftBits );

        // clear those bits and then set them to whatever replaceByte is
        return value & mask | ( replaceByte << shiftBits );

    // test 3
    static int ReplaceByte3 ( int index , int value , byte replaceByte )
        var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes( value );
        bytes[ index ] = replaceByte;

        return BitConverter.ToInt32( bytes , 0 );




int ReplaceByte(int index, int value, byte replaceByte)
    return (value & ~(0xFF << (index * 8))) | (replaceByte << (index * 8));


关于c# - 替换 int 中的字节,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13161285/


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