c# - 变量破坏范围

标签 c#

这怎么会给出一个 's' does not exist in the current context 错误(正如预期的那样):

public static void Main()
    foreach(var i in new[]{1, 2, 3}) {
        int s = i;


( ideone )

但这会产生一个 's' cannot be redeclared 错误?

public static void Main()
    foreach(var i in new[]{1, 2, 3}) {
        int s = i;

    int s = 4;

( ideone )

第一个错误告诉我 s 不存在于 foreach 之外,这是有道理的,但第二个错误则不然。为什么(以及如何!?)我需要从子作用域访问变量吗?


The first error tells me that s doesn't exist outside of the foreach, which makes sense

确实 - 这是正确的。

but the second error says otherwise.

不,它没有。它告诉您不能声明第一个(嵌套)变量s,因为第二个 已经在范围内。您无法在声明之前访问它,但它在整个 block 的范围内

来自 C# 5 规范,第 3.7 节:

• The scope of a local variable declared in a local-variable-declaration (§8.5.1) is the block in which the declaration occurs.

所以是的,它基本上向上延伸到封闭的 {

然后从 8.5.1 节开始:

The scope of a local variable declared in a local-variable-declaration is the block in which the declaration occurs. It is an error to refer to a local variable in a textual position that precedes the local-variable-declarator of the local variable. Within the scope of a local variable, it is a compile-time error to declare another local variable or constant with the same name.


Why (and how!?) would I ever need to access a variable from a child scope?

不确定您在这里的意思,但基本规则是让您更难编写难以阅读或脆弱的代码。这意味着向上或向下移动变量声明(但仍在同一 block 中,在同一嵌套级别)产生有效但具有不同含义的代码的地方更少。

关于c# - 变量破坏范围,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28901520/


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