linux - Erlang Linux 信号处理

标签 linux erlang signals

是否可以通过 Erlang 中的处理程序捕获 Linux 信号(例如 SIGUSR1)? (无需求助于用 C 编写的驱动程序)



2001 年有人问:

Does anyone have any examples of unix signal handling in erlang. I would like to make a loadbalancer that I have written respond to sighup.


There is no provision for handling signals in Erlang "itself", i.e. you will need to use a driver - or a port program of course, might actually be a better idea. Also for the driver case, the emulator has its own handler for a number of signals, and interfering with that will probably have "interesting" results - but SIGHUP should be OK I believe.



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