c# - 多个资源文件与单个资源文件

标签 c# performance asp.net-mvc-4 resources


我正在开发 MVC4,我想支持多语言 View 。


Multi.resx For English as default
Multi.ar.resx for Arabic 
Multi.fr.resx for Frensh



但是,我设置了断点来检查 @Multi 的值,实际上它包含了我资源中的所有键。想象一下所有这些:P

我的问题是:如果我为每个 View 使用一个资源文件,它的性能会更好吗?或者即使我为每个 View 使用多个资源文件,当我运行我的应用程序时是否会加载所有资源?



我知道这是旧线程,但我也在寻找答案。 单个(和巨大的资源)文件是否会影响性能?



这是来自 MSDN 的指南:

Choosing Between Global and Local Resource Files

You can use any combination of global and local resource files in the Web application. Generally, you add resources to a global resource file when you want to share the resources between pages. Resources in global resource files are also strongly typed for when you want to access the files programmatically.

However, global resource files can become large, if you store all localized resources in them. Global resource files can also be more difficult to manage, if more than one developer is working on different pages but in a single resource file.

Local resource files make it easier to manage resources for a single ASP.NET Web page. But you cannot share resources between pages. Additionally, you might create lots of local resource files, if you have many pages that must be localized into many languages. If sites are large with many folders and languages, local resources can quickly expand the number of assemblies in the application domain.

When you make a change to a default resource file, either local or global, ASP.NET recompiles the resources and restarts the ASP.NET application. This can affect the overall performance of your site. If you add satellite resource files, it does not cause a recompilation of resources, but the ASP.NET application will restart.


干杯, 山姆

关于c# - 多个资源文件与单个资源文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19910926/


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