c# - .Net Native - 类型不包含在编译中

标签 c# .net win-universal-app .net-native

我在通用应用程序平台 - Windows 10 的 .net native 编译过程中发现了奇怪的警告消息。

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.NetNative\x86\ilc\IlcInternals.targets(886,5): warning : Type 'Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Image' was not included in compilation, but was referenced in type 'XT.Controls.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerControl'. There may have been a missing assembly.

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.NetNative\x86\ilc\IlcInternals.targets(886,5): warning : Type 'Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Button' was not included in compilation, but was referenced in type 'XT.Controls.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerControl'. There may have been a missing assembly.

应用程序在 Release模式下无法正常工作。我在出现需要调试 RuntimeType.cs(缺失)的 MissingMetadataException 启动画面后崩溃。



关于汉斯的链接问题是通过这行代码解决的。 添加到项目属性 Default.rd.xml

<Namespace Name="Windows.UI.Xaml" Dynamic="Required All" Serialize="Required Public" Browse="Required All" Activate="Required All" />

关于c# - .Net Native - 类型不包含在编译中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32713558/


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