c# - 将字符串编码到非托管内存,将它们传递给 C++,然后再次返回给 C#

标签 c# marshalling

我在 C# 中创建非托管内存块并用来自结构的数据填充它。


Marshal.StructureToPtr(structTemp, currentMemoryPosition, false);
currentMemPosition = new IntPtr(currentMemPosition.ToInt64() + structSize);      

该结构包含引用类型:“字符串”。 我已经研究了 BOL 的 StructureToPtr 方法,它说:

"All other reference types (for example, strings and arrays) are marshaled to copies"



上面的非托管内存块,我传递给使用它的 c++ 方法。在 C++ 部分完成工作后,我再次遍历内存中的结构(在 C# 中)和:

Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentMemPosition, typeof(struct));


Whether I can:

1) Create structs with strings inside
2) Marshal them to unmanaged mamory
3) Make use of them on c++ side
4) **Return them from c++**
5) Read them again in c#
6) Deallocate them in c# by using Marshal.DestroyStructure (EDITED)


[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1), Serializable]
internal struct TempStruct
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr, SizeConst = 36)]
    private string iuTest;

    public TempStruct(Guid IuTest)
        : this()
        iuTest = IuTest.ToString("D");


"All other reference types (for example, strings and arrays) are marshaled to copies" What exactly does it mean?

Marshal.StructureToPtr创建 string 的副本.即使您正在编码到 LPWStr,它也会这样做.这与将参数传递给方法不同,后者有时不会复制字符串/数组,而是直接传递。

所以在调用Marshal.StructureToPtr之后你现在有两个副本 iuTest : 变量中的一个 iuTest , 由 .NET 直接管理(因此将自动释放),一个在由 Marshal.StructureToPtr 创建的副本中.此副本必须手动销毁,例如 Marshal.DestroyStructure .

请注意 SizeConst = 36在这里被忽略,因为所需内存的确切数量将由 Marshal.StructureToPtr 分配。 .



[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1), Serializable]
internal struct TempStruct
    public string iuTest;

    public TempStruct(Guid IuTest)
        : this()
        iuTest = IuTest.ToString("D");

[DllImport("NativeLibrary", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public static extern void TempStructMethod(IntPtr ptr);


var str = new TempStruct(Guid.NewGuid());

Console.WriteLine("C# side: {0}", str.iuTest);

// It will be 4 or 8, depending if you are running 32 or 64 bits
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TempStruct));

IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(size);

// Marshaling to ptr
Marshal.StructureToPtr(str, ptr, false);

// Call your C++ method

Console.WriteLine("C# side in original struct: {0}", str.iuTest);

// Marshaling back
str = (TempStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(TempStruct));

Console.WriteLine("C# side after marshaled back: {0}", str.iuTest);

// Freeing the "content" of the marshaled struct (the marshaled 
// string in this case)
Marshal.DestroyStructure(ptr, typeof(TempStruct));

// Freeing the memory allocated for the struct object (the 
// "container")

和 C++(CoTaskMem*#include <Objbase.h> 中):

extern "C"
    __declspec(dllexport) void TempStructMethod(TempStruct *ts)
        printf("C++ side: %s\n", ts->iuTest);

        // If you want to free a C# marshaled string use CoTaskMemFree
        // See in https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/4cf8a6b082d9bb1789facd996d8265d3908757b2/src/vm/fieldmarshaler.cpp
        // FieldMarshaler_StringAnsi::DestroyNativeImpl and
        // FieldMarshaler_StringUni::DestroyNativeImpl 

        // Here we want to modify the string C-side

        // First we free it
        ts->iuTest = NULL;

        char *str = "abcdefab-cdef-abcd-efab-cdefabcdefab";
        int len = strlen(str) + 1;

        // Then we allocate a new string
        // Use CoTaskMemAlloc to allocate memory that can be freed by C#
        ts->iuTest = (char*)CoTaskMemAlloc(len);

        // Then we copy our string in the allocated memory
        strcpy(ts->iuTest, str);

        // Note that you could have reused the "original"
        // memory of ts->iuTest in this case, because it
        // was of the "right" size. I freed and reallocated
        // just to show how to do it!


C# side: d3ccb13c-fdf9-4f3d-9239-8d347c18993c
C++ side: d3ccb13c-fdf9-4f3d-9239-8d347c18993c
C# side in original struct: d3ccb13c-fdf9-4f3d-9239-8d347c18993c
C# side after marshaled back: abcdefab-cdef-abcd-efab-cdefabcdefab

C# 端你甚至可以使用 char*编码结构的指针...您知道它位于编码结构的偏移量 0(因为它是第一个字段),所以:

IntPtr ptr2 = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(ptr, 0); // will read the char* pointer
string str2 = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ptr2);
Console.WriteLine("Unmarshaling manually: {0}", str2);


将数组从 C# 编码到 C++,从 C++ 编码回 C# 另一个数组:


struct TempStruct
    char* iuTest;

extern "C"
    __declspec(dllexport) void GetSomeData(TempStruct *inPtr, TempStruct **outPtr, int *numPtr)
        // Number of elements we want to return
        *numPtr = 10;

        // Space for these elements
        *outPtr = (TempStruct*)malloc(*numPtr * sizeof(TempStruct));

        for (int i = 0; i < *numPtr; i++)
            TempStruct *curr = *outPtr + i;

            // Here we allocate some space for the char* iuTest
            curr->iuTest = (char*)malloc(10);

            // And we write something on it (in this case the 'i')
            itoa(i, curr->iuTest, 10);

    __declspec(dllexport) void FreeSomeData(TempStruct *ptr, int num)
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            TempStruct *curr = ptr + i;

            // First we free the char* iuTest

        // Then we free the ptr


// Some TempStruct(s) to pass to C++
TempStruct[] someData = new TempStruct[5];

for (int i = 0; i < someData.Length; i++)
    someData[i] = new TempStruct(Guid.NewGuid());

// C++ will return its TempStruct array in ptr
IntPtr ptr;
int length;

GetSomeData(someData, out ptr, out length);

// This must be equal to C++ sizeof(TempStruct)
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TempStruct));

TempStruct[] someData2 = new TempStruct[length];

for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
    // We marshal back an element of TempStruct
    IntPtr curr = (IntPtr)(ptr + (size * i));
    someData2[i] = (TempStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(curr, typeof(TempStruct));

// Important! We free the TempStruct allocated by C++. We let the
// C++ do it, because it knows how to do it.
FreeSomeData(ptr, length);

关于c# - 将字符串编码到非托管内存,将它们传递给 C++,然后再次返回给 C#,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30995780/


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