c# - 在 C# 中存储永远不会改变的静态数据的最佳方法是什么

标签 c# asp.net-mvc

我有一个类将数据存储在永不更改的 asp.net c# 应用程序中。我真的不想将这些数据放入数据库中——我希望它保留在应用程序中。这是我在应用程序中存储数据的方式:

public class PostVoteTypeFunctions
    private List<PostVoteType> postVotes = new List<PostVoteType>();
    public PostVoteTypeFunctions()
        PostVoteType upvote = new PostVoteType();
        upvote.ID = 0;
        upvote.Name = "UpVote";
        upvote.PointValue = PostVotePointValue.UpVote;

        PostVoteType downvote = new PostVoteType();
        downvote.ID = 1;
        downvote.Name = "DownVote";
        downvote.PointValue = PostVotePointValue.DownVote;

        PostVoteType selectanswer = new PostVoteType();
        selectanswer.ID = 2;
        selectanswer.Name = "SelectAnswer";
        selectanswer.PointValue = PostVotePointValue.SelectAnswer;

        PostVoteType favorite = new PostVoteType();
        favorite.ID = 3;
        favorite.Name = "Favorite";
        favorite.PointValue = PostVotePointValue.Favorite;

        PostVoteType offensive = new PostVoteType();
        offensive.ID = 4;
        offensive.Name = "Offensive";
        offensive.PointValue = PostVotePointValue.Offensive;

        PostVoteType spam = new PostVoteType();
        spam.ID = 0;
        spam.Name = "Spam";
        spam.PointValue = PostVotePointValue.Spam;

当构造函数被调用时,上面的代码就会运行。我也有一些函数可以查询上面的数据。但这是在 asp.net 中存储信息的最佳方式吗?如果不是,你会推荐什么?


这是一个“看起来像”枚举的不可变结构的候选者: (另外,我注意到你对其中两个使用了相同的 id 值,所以我修复了这个...... 您可以像使用枚举一样使用以下内容...

PostVoteTypeFunctions myVar = PostVoteTypeFunctions.UpVote;

真正的好处是这种方法不需要实例存储,只需要一个 4 字节整数(它将存储在堆栈中,因为它是一个结构)。所有硬编码值都存储在类型本身中……每个 AppDomain 中只有一个……

public struct PostVoteTypeFunctions 
    private int id;
    private bool isDef;
    private PostVoteTypeFunctions ( )  { } // private to prevent direct instantiation
    private PostVoteTypeFunctions(int value) { id=value; isDef = true; }

    public bool HasValue { get { return isDef; } }
    public bool isNull{ get { return !isDef; } }
    public string Name 
       {  return 
             id==1? "UpVote":
             id==2? "DownVote":
             id==3? "SelectAnswer":
             id==4? "Favorite":
             id==5? "Offensive":
             id==6? "Spam": "UnSpecified";
    public int PointValue 
       {  return // Why not hard code these values here as well  ?
             id==1? PostVotePointValue.UpVote:
             id==2? PostVotePointValue.DownVote
             id==3? PostVotePointValue.SelectAnswer:
             id==4? PostVotePointValue.Favorite:
             id==5? PostVotePointValue.Offensive:
             id==6? PostVotePointValue.Spam: 
    // Here Add additional property values as property getters 
    // with appropriate hardcoded return values using above pattern

    // following region is the static factories that create your instances,
    //  .. in a way such that using them appears like using an enumeration
    public static PostVoteTypeFunctions UpVote = new PostVoteTypeFunctions(1);
    public static PostVoteTypeFunctions DownVote= new PostVoteTypeFunctions(2);
    public static PostVoteTypeFunctions SelectAnswer= new PostVoteTypeFunctions(3);
    public static PostVoteTypeFunctions Favorite= new PostVoteTypeFunctions(4);
    public static PostVoteTypeFunctions Offensive= new PostVoteTypeFunctions(5);
    public static PostVoteTypeFunctions Spam= new PostVoteTypeFunctions(0);       

关于c# - 在 C# 中存储永远不会改变的静态数据的最佳方法是什么,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2907259/


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