c# - Linq 查询 JObject

标签 c# json linq asp.net-mvc-4 json.net

我正在使用 Json.net 进行序列化,然后制作一个如下所示的 JObject:

 "RegistrationList": [
      "CaseNumber": "120654-1330",
      "Priority": 5,
      "PersonId": 7,
      "Person": {
        "FirstName": "",
        "LastName": "",
      "UserId": 7,
      "User": {
        "Id": 7,
        "CreatedTime": "2013-07-05T13:09:57.87",
        "Comment": "",

我如何将其查询到新对象或列表中,以便轻松放入某些 html 表/ View 中。 我只想显示 CaseNumber、FirstName 和 Comment。


I only want to display the CaseNumber, FirstName and Comment.

与往常一样,在 ASP.NET MVC 中,您可以从编写符合您要求的 View 模型开始:

public class MyViewModel
    public string CaseNumber { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string Comment { get; set; }

然后在您的 Controller 操作中,您从已有的 JObject 实例构建 View 模型:

public ActionResult Index()
    JObject json = ... the JSON shown in your question (after fixing the errors because what is shown in your question is invalid JSON)

    IEnumerable<MyViewModel> model =
        from item in (JArray)json["RegistrationList"]
        select new MyViewModel
            CaseNumber = item["CaseNumber"].Value<string>(),
            FirstName = item["Person"]["FirstName"].Value<string>(),
            Comment = item["User"]["Comment"].Value<string>(),

    return View(model);

最后在您的强类型 View 中显示所需的信息:

@model IEnumerable<MyViewModel>

            <th>Case number</th>
            <th>First name</th>
        @foreach (var item in Model)

关于c# - Linq 查询 JObject,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17781996/


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