C# + Entity Framework : Convert multiple group by query to nested JSON

标签 c# asp.net json linq entity-framework



var list = from row in repository.GetAllEntities()
                       group row by new { row.RegionString, row.SubRegionString, row.CountryString } into g
                       select new { g.Key.RegionString, g.Key.SubRegionString, g.Key.CountryString, Count = g.Count() };

return Json(list, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);




    name: "Americas",
    children: [
         name: "NorthAmerica",
         children: [{ "name": "Canada", "count": 5 },
                    { "name": "US", "count": 3 }]

         name: "SouthAmerica",
         children: [{ "name": "Chile", "count": 1 }]
    name: "EMA",
    children: [
         name: "AsiaPacific",
         children: [{ "name": "Australia", "count": 2 },
                    { "name": "Japan", "count": 1 }]

         name: "SouthernEurope",
         children: [{ "name": "Turkey", "count": 1 }]

如何修改语句以获得我正在寻找的结果?非 linq 答案也是可以接受的。

编辑:Region 是 SubRegion 的父级,SubRegion 是 Country 的父级,Count 是属于 Country 的项目的唯一数量


这是您想要的 linq 查询(为了便于阅读,我删除了 -String 后缀):

var list =
    from entity in repository.GetAllEntities()
    group entity by entity.Region into regions
    let childrenOfRegions =
        from region in regions
        group region by region.SubRegion into subregions
        let countriesOfSubRegions =
            from subregion in subregions
            group subregion by subregion.Country into countries
            select new { Name = countries.Key }
        select new { Name = subregions.Key, Children = countriesOfSubRegions }
    select new { Name = regions.Key, Children = childrenOfRegions };  


选择新的 { Name = regions.Key, ... } 我要返回区域的部分。

关于C# + Entity Framework : Convert multiple group by query to nested JSON,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31059822/


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