c# - 依赖注入(inject) : How to configure interface bindings for wrapping

标签 c# dependency-injection ninject ninject-2

那么,假设我有一个接口(interface) IThingFactory:

public interface IThingFactory
    Thing GetThing(int thingId);

现在,假设我有一个从数据库中检索 Thing 的具体实现。现在,我们还假设我有一个具体的实现,它包装了一个现有的 IThingFactory 并在命中包装之前检查一个 Thing 是否存在于内存缓存中ITingFactory。像这样的东西:

public class CachedThingFactory : IThingFactory
    private IThingFactory _wrapped;
    private Dictionary<int, Thing> _cachedThings;

    public CachedThingFactory(IThingFactory wrapped)
        this._wrapped = wrapped;
        _cachedThings = new Dictionary<int,Thing>();

    public Thing GetThing(int thingId)
        Thing x;
        if(_cachedThings.TryGetValue(thingId, out x))
            return x;

        x = _wrapped.GetThing(thingId);

        _cachedThings[thingId] = x;

        return x;

我将如何使用诸如 Ninject 之类的依赖项注入(inject)来处理这样的场景,以便我可以配置 DI 容器,以便我可以注入(inject)或删除这样的缓存代理,或者说,是记录还是(在此处插入)?



Bind<IThingFactory> ().To<DefaultThingFactory> ().WhenInjectedInto<CachedThingFactory> ();
Bind<IThingFactory> ().To<CachedThingFactory> ();


Bind<IThingFactory> ().To<DefaultThingFactory> ().WhenInjectedInto<LoggingThingFactory> ();
Bind<IThingFactory> ().To<LoggingThingFactory> ().WhenInjectedInto<CachedThingFactory> ();
Bind<IThingFactory> ().To<CachedThingFactory> ();


关于c# - 依赖注入(inject) : How to configure interface bindings for wrapping,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6752674/


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