c# - 如何在 LINQ to entities 中使用 Date 函数?

标签 c# linq entity-framework linq-to-entities


  var saturday = DayOfWeek.Saturday;
  var query = from note in userNotes
  where note.NoteDate > lastMonth && note.NoteDate.DayOfWeek != saturday
        select note;


The specified type member 'Date' is not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties.

关于如何使用 linq 比较星期几的任何想法?


使用SqlFunctions.DatePart静态方法。它将转化为DATEPART TSQL 函数调用。

var saturday = (int)DayOfWeek.Saturday;
var query = from note in userNotes
            where note.NoteDate > lastMonth && SqlFunctions.DatePart("dw", note.NoteDate) != saturday
            select note;

关于c# - 如何在 LINQ to entities 中使用 Date 函数?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18857972/


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