c# - 为什么按位运算符不如逻辑 "and\or"运算符聪明

标签 c# optimization operators bit-manipulation



// For the record
private bool getTrue(){return true;}
private bool getFalse(){return false;}

// Since a is true it wont enter getFalse.
bool a = getTrue() || getFalse(); 

// Since a is false it wont enter getTrue.
bool b = getFalse() && getTrue(); 

// Since b is false it wont enter getTrue.
b = b && getTrue();


bool a = getTrue();
a |= getFalse(); // a has no chance to get false but it still enters the function.

a = getFalse();
a &= getTrue(); // a has no chance to get true but still performs this operation.




运算符 &=|=bool 上计算时不是按位运算符 - 它们是逻辑运算符,但它们是相当于 x = x & yx = x | y,它不会像 &&|| 那样短路。

来自 MSDN :

The & operator performs a bitwise logical AND operation on integral operands and logical AND on bool operands.

设计者本可以实现||=&&=,但由于它们是合适的对于 bool 类型,那里没有太多值(value)。

关于c# - 为什么按位运算符不如逻辑 "and\or"运算符聪明,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23634610/


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