c# - 构建操作页面或资源

标签 c# xaml

我的应用程序中有多个 ResourceDictionaries 以使其可本地化。这些文件的名称有点像 Language_en.xamlLanguage_nl.xaml 等。下面给出了此类文件的示例。

<ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"

    <!-- DO NOT LOCALIZE -->
    <system:String x:Key="Language">English</system:String>
    <FlowDirection x:Key="FlowDirection">LeftToRight</FlowDirection>

    <!-- DO LOCALIZE -->
    <system:String x:Key="Title">English Title External</system:String>



_appResDicSource = Path.Combine("\\" + _projectName + ";component", _languagesDirectoryName,
            _fileBaseName + "_" + language + ".xaml");
_clsLibResDicSource = "\\MyDLL;component\\Languages\\Language_" + language + ".xaml";

以上内容适用于构建操作 ResourcePage,其中 CtOD 设置为“Do not copy”,自定义工具设置为“MSBuild:Compile”。

来自 this link我了解了下面的引述,但对我的项目来说最好的是什么?

Resource (wpf only): embeds the file in a shared (by all files in the assembly with similar setting) assembly manifest resource named AppName.g.resources.

Page (wpf only): Used to compile a xaml file into baml. The baml is then embedded with the same technique as Resource (i.e. available as `AppName.g.resources)


当您在 Visual Studio (2017) 中添加 ResourceDictionary 时,Build Action: Page 是默认设置的,因此这是一个有利于 Page 的提示。我在下面的链接中找到了更多相关信息:


关于c# - 构建操作页面或资源,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29887952/


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