php - 如何获取运行时确定的可调用参数的数量?

标签 php reflection callback


TL;DR:您能否反射(reflection) PHP 中的泛型 Callable,而无需手动对所有类型的 Callable 进行类型检查?

在 PHP 5.4 中,我们有一个新的类型提示:可调用。这看起来很有趣。我想我会通过以下方式利用它:

    public function setCredentialTreatment(callable $credentialTreatment) {
       // Verify $credentialTreatment can be used (ie: accepts 2 params)
       ... magic here ...

到目前为止,我的想法是对可调用对象进行一系列类型检查,并从中推断出要使用哪个 Reflection* 类:

if(is_array($callable)) {
    $reflector = new ReflectionMethod($callable[0], $callable[1]);
} elseif(is_string($callable)) {
    $reflector = new ReflectionFunction($callable);
} elseif(is_a($callable, 'Closure') || is_callable($callable, '__invoke')) {
    $objReflector = new ReflectionObject($callable);
    $reflector    = $objReflector->getMethod('__invoke');

// Array of ReflectionParameters. Yay!
$parameters = $reflector->getParameters();
// Inspect parameters. Throw invalidArgumentException if not valid.



我创建了一个更短的版本,它的工作方式与 call_user_func() 非常相似,并在 PHP 手册中针对回调/可调用对象的所有不同类型对其进行了测试。这样您几乎可以在任何地方使用它。 call_user_func() 不只接受对象,而且我认为这个函数也没有意义,因为它只处理回调。


function getNrOfParams($callable)
    $CReflection = is_array($callable) ? 
    new ReflectionMethod($callable[0], $callable[1]) : 
    new ReflectionFunction($callable);
    return $CReflection->getNumberOfParameters();


class Smart
    public function __invoke($name)


    public function my_callable($one, $two, $three)


    public static function myCallableMethod($one, $two) 


    public static function who()
            echo "smart the parent class";

class Smarter extends Smart
    public static function who()
        echo "smarter";

function my_ca($one)


function getNrOfParams($callable)
    $CReflection = is_array($callable) ? new ReflectionMethod($callable[0], $callable[1]) : new ReflectionFunction($callable);
    return $CReflection->getNumberOfParameters();
// Test 1 Callable Function
echo "Test 1 - Callable function:" . getNrOfParams('my_ca');

// Test 2 Static method
echo " Test 2 - Static class method:" . getNrOfParams(array('Smart', 'myCallableMethod'));

// Test 3 Object method
$smart = new Smart();
echo " Test 3 - Object method:" . getNrOfParams(array($smart, 'my_callable'));

// Test 4 Static method call (As of PHP 5.2.3)
//echo " Test 4 - Static class method call:" . getNrOfParams('Smart::myCallableMethod');
// Calling a static method this way does not work in ReflectionFunction.
// However, Test 2 provides a solution.

// Test 5 Relative static method (As of PHP 5.3.0)
//echo " Test 5 - Relative static class method:" . getNrOfParams(array('Smarter', 'parent::who'));
// Calling a relative static method doesn't work either. ReflectionMethod lacks support.
// All other tests work.

// Tesy 6 __invoke
echo " Test 6 - __invoke:" . getNrOfParams(array($smart, '__invoke'));

// Test 7 Closure
$closure = function($one, $two, $three)
    // Magic
echo " Test 7 - Closure:" . getNrOfParams($closure);

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