c# - 类库允许使用未分配的结构

标签 c# compiler-errors


public struct MyType
    private string value;

    // Methods
    // ... (ToString overrided too)

如果我将结构放在 Program.cs 或另一个 File.cs 中,并创建一个变量作为 MyType(我的结构)并尝试使用它,结果是一个明显的错误:

CS0165 Use of unassigned local variable


MyType a; 
Console.WriteLine(a); // Error: Use of unassigned local variable 'a'

MyType b = new MyType(); 
Console.WriteLine(b); // Prints the default value (an empty string)

问题是当我将结构放在类库中(在另一个项目中,或从 NuGet 包中)并从 Program.cs 使用它时:

MyType a;
Console.WriteLine(a); // No error: prints an empty string



据我所知这是设计使然。在 GitHub 上查看此问题:

'error CS0165: Use of unassigned local variable' is not produced for structs with a private reference type field from a different assembly

此问题已关闭并标记为“Resolution-By Design”。


This was a very painful but intentional decision. This duplicates the (buggy) behavior of the previous compiler. I strongly recommend you add the compiler flag /features:strict to get the correct, specification-required (but not backward-compatible) behavior.

关于c# - 类库允许使用未分配的结构,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36903168/


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