php - 根据分隔符切片 HTML

标签 php html parsing dom dom-manipulation

我正在将 Word 文档即时转换为 HTML,并且需要根据分隔符解析所述 HTML。例如:

<div id="div1">
            <b>[[delimiter]]Start of content section 1.</b>
        <span>More content in section 1</span>
<div id="div2">
            <font>[[delimiter]]Start of section 2</font>
    <span>More content in section 2</span>
    <p><font>[[delimiter]]Start of section 3</font></p>
<div id="div3">
    <span><font>More content in section 3</font></span>
<!-- This continues on... -->


第 1 部分:

<div id="div1">
            <b>[[delimiter]]Start of content section 1.</b>
        <span>More content in section 1</span>

第 2 部分:

<div id="div2">
            <font>[[delimiter]]Start of section 2</font>
    <span>More content in section 2</span>

第 3 部分:

<div id="div2">

    <p><font>[[delimiter]]Start of section 3</font></p>
<div id="div3">
    <span><font>More content in section 3</font></span>
  1. 我不能简单地根据分隔符“分解”/切片,因为那样会破坏 HTML。每一点文本内容都有许多父元素。

  2. 我无法控制 HTML 结构,它有时会根据 Word 文档的结构发生变化。最终用户将导入他们的 Word 文档以在应用程序中进行解析,因此生成的 HTML 在解析之前不会被更改。

  3. 内容通常位于 HTML 中的不同深度。

  4. 我不能依赖元素类或 ID,因为它们在文档之间不一致。 #div1、#div2 和#div3 在我的例子中只是为了说明。

  5. 我的目标是解析内容,所以如果有空元素遗留下来也没关系,我可以简单地再次运行标记并删除空标签(p、font、b 等)。


我正在使用 PHP DOM 扩展来解析 HTML 并循环遍历节点。但我想不出一个好的算法来解决这个问题。

$doc = new \DOMDocument();
$body = $doc->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);

foreach ($body->childNodes as $child) {
    if ($child->hasChildNodes()) {
        // Do recursive call...
    } else {
        // Contains slide identifier?



  1. 查找以[[delimiter]]开头的元素
  2. 检查它的父级是否有下一个兄弟
  3. 没有?重复 2
  4. 是吗?下一个兄弟包含内容。

现在,一旦您将其付诸实践,您就已经准备就绪了 90%。您只需清除不需要的标签即可。


下面的代码与两个类一起工作,它们完全满足您的需要,并为您提供了一种很好的方式来遍历所有元素,一旦您需要它们。它确实使用 PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser而不是 DOMDocument,因为我更喜欢它。


$html = <<<XML
        <div id="div1">
                                <b>[[delimiter]]Start of content section 1.</b>
                        <span>More content in section 1</span>
        <div id="div2">
                                <font>[[delimiter]]Start of section 2</font>
                <span>More content in section 2</span>
                        <font>[[delimiter]]Start of section 3</font>
        <div id="div3">
                        <font>More content in section 3</font>


$parser = new HtmlParser($html, '[[delimiter]]');

//dump found
//decode/encode to only show public values


class HtmlParser
    private $_html;
    private $_delimiter;
    private $_dom;

    public $Elements = array();

    final public function __construct($html, $delimiter)
        $this->_html = $html;
        $this->_delimiter = $delimiter;
        $this->_dom = str_get_html($this->_html);


    final private function getElements()
        //this will find all elements, including parent elements
        //it will also select the actual text as an element, without surrounding tags
        $elements = $this->_dom->find("[contains(text(),'".$this->_delimiter."')]");

        //find the actual elements that start with the delimiter
        foreach($elements as $element) {
            //we want the element without tags, so we search for outertext
            if (strpos($element->outertext, $this->_delimiter)===0) {
                $this->Elements[] = new DelimiterTag($element);



class DelimiterTag
    private $_element;

    public $Content;
    public $MoreContent;

    final public function __construct($element)
        $this->_element = $element;
        $this->Content = $element->outertext;


    final private function findMore()
        //we need to traverse up until we find a parent that has a next sibling
        //we need to keep track of the child, to cleanup the last parent
        $child = $this->_element;
        $parent = $child->parent();
        $next = null;
        while($parent) {
            $next = $parent->next_sibling();

            if ($next) {
            $child = $parent;
            $parent = $child->parent();

        if (!$next) {
            //no more content

        //create empty element, to build the new data
        //go up one more element and clean the innertext
        $more = $parent->parent();
        $more->innertext = "";

        //add the parent, because this is where the actual content lies
        //but we only want to add the child to the parent, in case there are more delimiters
        $parent->innertext = $child->outertext;
        $more->innertext .= $parent->outertext;

        //add the next sibling, because this is where more content lies
        $more->innertext .= $next->outertext;

        //set the variables
        if ($more->tag=="body") {
            //Your section 3 works slightly different as it doesn't show the parent tag, where the first two do.
            //That's why i show the innertext for the root tag and the outer text for others.
            $this->MoreContent = $more->innertext;
        } else {
            $this->MoreContent = $more->outertext;




stdClass Object
  [Elements] => Array
    [0] => stdClass Object
        [Content] => [[delimiter]]Start of content section 1.
        [MoreContent] => <div id="div1">
                            <p><font><b>[[delimiter]]Start of content section 1.</b></font></p>
                            <p><span>More content in section 1</span></p>

    [1] => stdClass Object
        [Content] => [[delimiter]]Start of section 2
        [MoreContent] => <div id="div2">
                            <p><b><font>[[delimiter]]Start of section 2</font></b></p>
                            <span>More content in section 2</span>

    [2] => stdClass Object
        [Content] => [[delimiter]]Start of section 3
        [MoreContent] => <div id="div2">
                            <p><font>[[delimiter]]Start of section 3</font></p>
                         <div id="div3">
                            <span><font>More content in section 3</font></span>

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