c# - Kinect 语音识别

标签 c# speech-recognition kinect speech


sre = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(ri.Id);


No recognizer of the required ID found.


KinectAudioSource source = kinectSensor.AudioSource;
source.EchoCancellationMode = EchoCancellationMode.None; // No AEC for this sample
source.AutomaticGainControlEnabled = false; // Important to turn this off for speech recognition
//  source.SystemMode = SystemMode.OptibeamArrayOnly;
speechRecognizer = CreateSpeechRecognizer();

using (Stream s = source.Start())
   speechRecognizer.SetInputToAudioStream(s, new SpeechAudioFormatInfo(EncodingFormat.Pcm, 16000, 16, 1, 32000, 2, null));
   Console.WriteLine("Recognizing speech. Say: 'purple', 'green' or 'blue'. Press ENTER to stop");
   Console.WriteLine("Stopping recognizer ...");

 private static SpeechRecognitionEngine CreateSpeechRecognizer()
   RecognizerInfo ri = GetKinectRecognizer();

   SpeechRecognitionEngine sre;
   //if (ri == null) return 0;
   sre = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(ri.Id);
   var colors = new Choices();
   var gb = new GrammarBuilder { Culture = ri.Culture };

   // Create the actual Grammar instance, and then load it into the speech recognizer.
   var g = new Grammar(gb);
   sre.SpeechRecognized += SreSpeechRecognized;
   sre.SpeechHypothesized += SreSpeechHypothesized;
   sre.SpeechRecognitionRejected += SreSpeechRecognitionRejected;
   return sre;
private static RecognizerInfo GetKinectRecognizer()
   Func<RecognizerInfo, bool> matchingFunc = r =>
      string value;
      r.AdditionalInfo.TryGetValue("Kinect", out value);
      return "True".Equals(value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && "en-US".Equals(r.Culture.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
      return SpeechRecognitionEngine.InstalledRecognizers().Where(matchingFunc).FirstOrDefault(); 


我认为您的 GetKinectRecognizer() 方法不正确。

如果找到并且找到的值作为输出参数,TryGetValue() 不会返回 bool 值吗?您没有对 TryGetvalue() 返回的 bool 值做任何事情。

您是否希望 AdditionalInfo 字典具有等于“Kinect”的键和字符串“True”或“False”值?这就是您的代码似乎要寻找的内容。

此代码是否基于您可以指出的示例。我不太了解您在 matchingFunc 中进行的测试。您忽略了 TryGetvalue 的返回值,您正在寻找一个名为“Kinect”且字符串值为“True”的 AdditionalInfo 键,以及一个文化为“en-US”的识别器。

为什么不转储 SpeechRecognitionEngine.InstalledRecognizers() 的内容并确保它包含您认为它包含的内容。这是老派,但很有用:

foreach (RecognizerInfo ri in SpeechRecognitionEngine.InstalledRecognizers())
    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Id={0}, Name={1}, Description={2}, Culture={3}", ri.Id, ri.Name, ri.Description, ri.Culture));
    foreach(string key in ri.AdditionalInfo.Keys)
        Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} = {1}", key, ri.AdditionalInfo[key]));

我没有安装 Kinect SDK,但在我的 Windows 7 机器上它显示:

Id=MS-1033-80-DESK, Name=MS-1033-80-DESK, Description=Microsoft Speech Recognizer 8.0 for Windows (English - US), Culture=en-US
VendorPreferred = 
CommandAndControl = 
Version = 8.0
Language = 409;9
Desktop = 
SupportedLocales = 409;1009;3409;9
AudioFormats = 16;18;20;22;45;53;{6F50E21C-E30E-4B50-95E9-21E8F23D15BD}
SpeakingStyle = Discrete;Continuous
WildcardInCFG = Anywhere;Trailing
Dictation = 
Hypotheses = 
Alternates = CC;Dictation
windowsV6compatible = 
Name = MS-1033-80-DESK
DictationInCFG = Anywhere;Trailing
UPSPhoneSet = 
WordSequences = Anywhere;Trailing
Vendor = Microsoft
Id=MS-2057-80-DESK, Name=MS-2057-80-DESK, Description=Microsoft Speech Recognizer 8.0 for Windows (English - UK), Culture=en-GB
VendorPreferred = 
CommandAndControl = 
Version = 8.0
Language = 809
Desktop = 
SupportedLocales = 809;C09;1409;1809;1C09;2009;2409;2809;2C09;3009;4009;4409;4809;9
AudioFormats = 16;18;20;22;45;53;{6F50E21C-E30E-4B50-95E9-21E8F23D15BD}
SpeakingStyle = Discrete;Continuous
WildcardInCFG = Anywhere;Trailing
Dictation = 
Hypotheses = 
Alternates = CC;Dictation
windowsV6compatible = 
Name = MS-2057-80-DESK
DictationInCFG = Anywhere;Trailing
UPSPhoneSet = 
WordSequences = Anywhere;Trailing
Vendor = Microsoft

确保您在 AdditionalInfo 字典中查找的值确实存在。然后制作您的 matchingFunc 来检查它。

关于c# - Kinect 语音识别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10613559/


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