c# - NHibernate QueryOver 将一个属性合并到另一个属性

标签 c# nhibernate properties fluent-nhibernate coalesce


namespace TryHibernate.Example
    public class Employee
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

    public class WorkItem
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
        public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }

    public class Task
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public Employee Assignee { get; set; }
        public WorkItem WorkItem { get; set; }
        public string Details { get; set; }
        public DateTime? StartDateOverride { get; set; }
        public DateTime? EndDateOverride { get; set; }


现在我想执行一个对有效 日期有限制的查询。我先试过这个:

IList<Task> tasks = db.QueryOver<Task>(() => taskAlias)
    .JoinAlias(() => taskAlias.WorkItem, () => wiAlias)
    .Where(() => taskAlias.StartDateOverride.Coalesce(() => wiAlias.StartDate) <= end)
    .And(() => taskAlias.EndDateOverride.Coalesce(() => wiAlias.EndDate) >= start)

不幸的是,它无法编译,因为 Coalesce 需要一个常量,而不是一个属性表达式。


    .Where(() => (taskAlias.StartDateOverride == null
                  ? wiAlias.StartDate
                  : taskAlias.StartDateOverride) <= end)
    .And(() => (taskAlias.EndDateOverride == null
                  ? wiAlias.EndDate
                  : taskAlias.EndDateOverride) >= start)

这会抛出 NullReferenceException。不知道为什么,但可能是因为 NHibernate 没有正确翻译该三元运算符(并试图实际调用它)或者因为 == null 不是检查空值的正确方法。不管怎样,我什至没想到它会起作用。


IList<Task> tasks = db.QueryOver<Task>(() => taskAlias)
    .JoinAlias(() => taskAlias.WorkItem, () => wiAlias)
        Projections.SqlFunction("COALESCE", NHibernateUtil.DateTime,
            Projections.Property(() => taskAlias.StartDateOverride),
            Projections.Property(() => wiAlias.StartDate)),
        Projections.SqlFunction("COALESCE", NHibernateUtil.DateTime,
            Projections.Property(() => taskAlias.EndDateOverride),
            Projections.Property(() => wiAlias.EndDate)),

但我无法调用干净的代码。也许我可以将某些表达式提取到单独的方法中以稍微清理一下,但使用表达式语法而不是这些丑陋的投影会好得多。有办法吗? NHibernate 不支持 Coalesce 扩展中的属性表达式有什么原因吗?

一个明显的替代方法是选择所有内容,然后使用 Linq 或其他工具过滤结果。但这可能会成为总行数很大的性能问题。


using (ISessionFactory sessionFactory = Fluently.Configure()
    .Mappings(m => m.AutoMappings.Add(
        AutoMap.AssemblyOf<Employee>(new ExampleConfig())
    .ExposeConfiguration(c => new SchemaExport(c).Create(true, true))
    using (ISession db = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
        Employee empl = new Employee() { Name = "Joe" };
        WorkItem wi = new WorkItem()
            Description = "Important work",
            StartDate = new DateTime(2016, 01, 01),
            EndDate = new DateTime(2017, 01, 01)
        Task task1 = new Task()
            Assignee = empl,
            WorkItem = wi,
            Details = "Do this",
        Task task2 = new Task()
            Assignee = empl,
            WorkItem = wi,
            Details = "Do that",
            StartDateOverride = new DateTime(2016, 7, 1),
            EndDateOverride = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1),
        Task taskAlias = null;
        WorkItem wiAlias = null;
        DateTime start = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1);
        DateTime end = new DateTime(2016, 6, 30);
        IList<Task> tasks = db.QueryOver<Task>(() => taskAlias)
            .JoinAlias(() => taskAlias.WorkItem, () => wiAlias)
            // This doesn't compile:
            //.Where(() => taskAlias.StartDateOverride.Coalesce(() => wiAlias.StartDate) <= end)
            //.And(() => taskAlias.EndDateOverride.Coalesce(() => wiAlias.EndDate) >= start)
            // This throws NullReferenceException:
            //.Where(() => (taskAlias.StartDateOverride == null ? wiAlias.StartDate : taskAlias.StartDateOverride) <= end)
            //.And(() => (taskAlias.EndDateOverride == null ? wiAlias.EndDate : taskAlias.EndDateOverride) >= start)
            // This works:
                Projections.SqlFunction("COALESCE", NHibernateUtil.DateTime,
                    Projections.Property(() => taskAlias.StartDateOverride),
                    Projections.Property(() => wiAlias.StartDate)),
                Projections.SqlFunction("COALESCE", NHibernateUtil.DateTime,
                    Projections.Property(() => taskAlias.EndDateOverride),
                    Projections.Property(() => wiAlias.EndDate)),
        foreach (Task t in tasks)
            Console.WriteLine("Found task: {0}", t.Details);


class ExampleConfig : DefaultAutomappingConfiguration
    public override bool ShouldMap(Type type)
        return type.Namespace == "TryHibernate.Example";



// This doesn't compile:
//.Where(() => taskAlias.StartDateOverride.Coalesce(() => wiAlias.StartDate) <= end)
//.And(() => taskAlias.EndDateOverride.Coalesce(() => wiAlias.EndDate) >= start)


.Where(() => taskAlias.StartDateOverride.Coalesce(wiAlias.StartDate) <= end)
.And(() => taskAlias.EndDateOverride.Coalesce(wiAlias.EndDate) >= start)

现在可以编译了。但在运行时它会生成相同的 NullReferenceException。不好。

事实证明,NHibernate 确实尝试评估 Coalesce 参数。通过查看 ProjectionExtensions 类实现可以很容易地看出这一点。以下方法处理 Coalesce 转换:

internal static IProjection ProcessCoalesce(MethodCallExpression methodCallExpression)
  IProjection projection = ExpressionProcessor.FindMemberProjection(methodCallExpression.Arguments[0]).AsProjection();
  object obj = ExpressionProcessor.FindValue(methodCallExpression.Arguments[1]);
  return Projections.SqlFunction("coalesce", (IType) NHibernateUtil.Object, projection, Projections.Constant(obj));

请注意第一个参数 (FindMemberExpression) 与第二个参数 (FindValue) 的不同处理方式。好吧,FindValue 只是尝试计算表达式。


幸运的是,ExpressionProcessor 类是公开的,还允许您通过 RegisterCustomMethodCall/RegisterCustomProjection 方法注册自定义方法。这引导我们找到解决方案:

  • 创建一个类似于 Coalesce 的自定义扩展方法(例如将它们命名为 IfNull)
  • 注册自定义处理器
  • 使用它们代替 Coalesce


public static class CustomProjections
    static CustomProjections()
        ExpressionProcessor.RegisterCustomProjection(() => IfNull(null, ""), ProcessIfNull);
        ExpressionProcessor.RegisterCustomProjection(() => IfNull(null, 0), ProcessIfNull);

    public static void Register() { }

    public static T IfNull<T>(this T objectProperty, T replaceValueIfIsNull)
        throw new Exception("Not to be used directly - use inside QueryOver expression");

    public static T? IfNull<T>(this T? objectProperty, T replaceValueIfIsNull) where T : struct
        throw new Exception("Not to be used directly - use inside QueryOver expression");

    private static IProjection ProcessIfNull(MethodCallExpression mce)
        var arg0 = ExpressionProcessor.FindMemberProjection(mce.Arguments[0]).AsProjection();
        var arg1 = ExpressionProcessor.FindMemberProjection(mce.Arguments[1]).AsProjection();
        return Projections.SqlFunction("coalesce", NHibernateUtil.Object, arg0, arg1);

由于永远不会调用这些方法,因此您需要确保通过调用 Register 方法注册自定义处理器。这是一个空方法,只是为了确保在实际注册发生的地方调用类的静态构造函数。




.Where(() => taskAlias.StartDateOverride.IfNull(wiAlias.StartDate) <= end)
.And(() => taskAlias.EndDateOverride.IfNull(wiAlias.EndDate) >= start)


附言上面的实现适用于常量和表达式参数,因此它确实是 Coalesce 的安全替代品。

关于c# - NHibernate QueryOver 将一个属性合并到另一个属性,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38512733/


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