c# - 如何为表单设置点击事件?

标签 c# winforms

我有一个 c# 窗体(我们称它为 MainForm),上面有许多自定义控件。我想让 MainForm.OnClick() 方法在有人单击表单时触发,无论单击是发生在表单上还是单击是在自定义控件之一上。我正在寻找类似于窗体的 KeyPreview 功能的行为,除了鼠标点击而不是按键。


我建议为应用程序中的其他表单创建一个基本表单以供继承。将此代码添加到您的基本表单以创建一个名为 GlobalMouseClickEventHandler 的新事件:

namespace Temp
    public delegate void GlobalMouseClickEventHander(object sender, MouseEventArgs e);

    public partial class TestForm : Form
        [Description("Fires when any control on the form is clicked.")]
        public event GlobalMouseClickEventHander GlobalMouseClick;

        public TestForm()

        private void BindControlMouseClicks(Control con)
            con.MouseClick += delegate(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
                TriggerMouseClicked(sender, e);
            // bind to controls already added
            foreach (Control i in con.Controls)
            // bind to controls added in the future
            con.ControlAdded += delegate(object sender, ControlEventArgs e)

        private void TriggerMouseClicked(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (GlobalMouseClick != null)
                GlobalMouseClick(sender, e);


关于c# - 如何为表单设置点击事件?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/180452/


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