c# - 为什么在构造时提供了足够大的列表插入失败?

标签 c# list


List<int> list = new List(5);


list.insert(2, 3);


Index must be within the bounds of the List.



所有初始大小都是provide a hint to the implementation to have at least a given capacity .它不会创建一个充满 N 的列表默认条目;强调我的:

Initializes a new instance of the List<T> class that is empty and has the specified initial capacity.

如果您继续浏览 MSDN 条目的备注部分,您会发现提供此构造函数重载的原因(再次强调我的):

The capacity of a List<T> is the number of elements that the List<T> can hold. As elements are added to a List<T>, the capacity is automatically increased as required by reallocating the internal array.

If the size of the collection can be estimated, specifying the initial capacity eliminates the need to perform a number of resizing operations while adding elements to the List<T>.

简而言之List<T>.CountList<T>.Capacity 不同(“如果在添加元素时 Count 超过 Capacity,则容量增加...”)。

您收到异常是因为该列表仅逻辑上包含您添加的项目,更改容量不会更改逻辑上存储的项目数。如果你要设置 List<T>.Capacity小于 List<T>.Count我们可以从另一个方向测试这种行为:

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: capacity was less than
 the current size.
Parameter name: value
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.set_Capacity(Int32 value)


public static List<T> CreateDefaultList<T>(int entries)
    return new List<T>(new T[entries]);

关于c# - 为什么在构造时提供了足够大的列表插入失败?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8729921/


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