c# - 如何防止数据成员被序列化

标签 c# serialization


我知道我可以设置 EmitDefaultValue =false,并将值设置为 null。


序列化程序是 DataContractSerializer。 :)



您可以在序列化之前更改数据成员的值(更改为默认值,因此它不会被序列化),但是在序列化之后您可以将其改回 - 使用 [OnSerializing] [OnSerialized] 回调(更多信息在 this blog post 中)。只要您没有多个线程同时序列化对象,这就可以正常工作。

public class StackOverflow_8010677
    [DataContract(Name = "Person", Namespace = "")]
    public class Person
        public string Name;
        [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
        public int Age;

        private int ageSaved;
        void OnSerializing(StreamingContext context)
            this.ageSaved = this.Age;
            this.Age = default(int); // will not be serialized
        void OnSerialized(StreamingContext context)
            this.Age = this.ageSaved;

        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format("Person[Name={0},Age={1}]", this.Name, this.Age);

    public static void Test()
        Person p1 = new Person { Name = "Jane Roe", Age = 23 };
        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
        DataContractSerializer dcs = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Person));
        Console.WriteLine("Serializing: {0}", p1);
        dcs.WriteObject(ms, p1);
        Console.WriteLine("   ==> {0}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray()));
        Console.WriteLine("   ==> After serialization: {0}", p1);
        Console.WriteLine("Deserializing a XML which contains the Age member");
        const string XML = "<Person><Age>33</Age><Name>John Doe</Name></Person>";
        Person p2 = (Person)dcs.ReadObject(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(XML)));
        Console.WriteLine("  ==> {0}", p2);

关于c# - 如何防止数据成员被序列化,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8010677/


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