c# - 由于保护级别错误,成员无法访问

标签 c# .net csharpcodeprovider

在本主题内连接: How to connect string from my class to form

我正在尝试做与他们的答案相关的解决方案(特别是 Jeremy 爵士的答案),但这个错误不断出现

'KeyWord.KeyWord.keywords' is inaccessible due to its protection level

KeyWords.cs 代码:

namespace KeyWord
    public class KeyWord
        String[] keywords = { "abstract", "as", "etc." };


main.cs 的代码

// Check whether the token is a keyword. 
var keyboardCls = new KeyWord.KeyWord();
String[] keywords = keyboardCls.keywords;

for (int i = 0; i < keywords.Length; i++)
    if (keywords[i] == token)
        // Apply alternative color and font to highlight keyword.        
        rtb.SelectionColor = Color.Blue;
        rtb.SelectionFont = new Font("Courier New", 10, FontStyle.Bold);




public String[] keywords = { "abstract", "as", "etc." };


Access Modifiers (C# Programming Guide)

Class members, including nested classes and structs, can be public, protected internal, protected, internal, or private. The access level for class members and struct members, including nested classes and structs, is private by default.

关于c# - 由于保护级别错误,成员无法访问,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15130231/


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