c# - 使用 Linq to SQL 自定义实现 DomainService

标签 c# silverlight linq-to-sql wcf-ria-services

谁能给我指出一个示例或简要描述如何使用 Linq to SQL 作为数据访问层但创建 WCF RIA Services DomainService 的自定义实现使用 .dbml 文件(这是因为 Linq to SQL 模型是由自定义工具生成的,高度自定义,并且是具有 50 多个表的相当大的数据库)并且没有 VS2010用于创建 DomainService 的向导(该向导取决于可用的 .dbml 文件)

这是我到目前为止自己尝试过的一个非常简单的 shell:

public class SubscriptionService : DomainService
    [Query(IsDefault = true)]
    public IQueryable<Subscription> GetSubscriptionList()
        SubscriptionDataContext dc = new SubscriptionDataContext();
        var subs = dc.Subscription.Where(x => x.Status == STATUS.Active)
            .Select(x => 
            new Subscription
                ID = x.ID,
                Name = x.Name

        return subs.AsQueryable();

    public void InsertSubscription(Subscription sub)
        if (!sub.ID.IsEmpty())
            SubscriptionDataContext dc = new SubscriptionDataContext();
            Subscription tmpSub = dc.GetByID<Subscription>(sub.ID);
            if (tmpSub != null)
                tmpSub.Name = sub.Name;
                tmpSub = new Subscription();
                tmpSub.Name = sub.Name;

    public void UpdateSubscription(Subscription sub)
        if (!sub.ID.IsEmpty())
            SubscriptionDataContext dc = new SubscriptionDataContext();
            Subscription tmpSub = dc.GetByID<Subscription>(sub.ID);
            if (tmpSub != null)
                tmpSub.Name = sub.Name;

    public void DeleteSubscription(Subscription sub)
        if (!sub.ID.IsEmpty())
            SubscriptionDataContext dc = new SubscriptionDataContext();
            Subscription tmpSub = dc.GetByID<Subscription>(sub.ID);
            if (tmpSub != null)






您将需要为每个查询创建一个返回 IQueryable 的属性,并且您将使用 RIA 服务自动神奇地获取 skip/take/where 内容。

public class SubscriptionService : DomainService
    [Query(IsDefault = true)]
    public IQueryable<Subscription> GetSubscriptionList()
        using(var dc = new SubscriptionDataContext())
             return from x in dc.Subscription
                    where x.Status == STATUS.Active
                    select new Subscription { ID = x.ID, Name = x.Name };
        // make sure you don't call .ToList().AsQueryable() 
        // as you will basically load everything into memory, 
        // which you don't want to do if the client is going to be using 
        // any of the skip/take/where features of RIA Services.  
        // If you don't want to allow this, 
        // simply return an IEnumerable<Subscription>

我假设 Subscription 是 DTO 而不是 L2S 类,因为您正在显式实例化它。只要确保您的 DTO 具有正确的属性即可。即

public class Subscription
    // you must have a key attribute on one or more properties...
    public int ID { get; set; }

如果您的 DTO 中有子元素,请使用 IncludeAssociation 属性:

public class User
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [Association("User_Subscriptions", "Id","UserId")]
    // 'Id' is this classes's Id property, and 'UserId' is on Subscription
    // 'User_Subscriptions' must be unique within your domain service,
    // or you will get some odd errors when the client tries to deserialize
    // the object graph.
    public IEnumerable<Subscription> Subscriptions { get; set; }

另请注意,您的 delete 方法不需要完整的对象,这样的方法可以工作,并且可以防止客户端序列化整个对象并在您不需要时将其发回。

public void DeleteSubscription(int id)
    using(var dc = new SubscriptionDataContext())
        var sub = dc.GetById<Subscription>(id);
        if( sub != null ) dc.Delete(sub);

关于c# - 使用 Linq to SQL 自定义实现 DomainService,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7262720/


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