c# - 如何在没有 .Compile() 的情况下从 MemberExpression 获取属性值?

标签 c# expression-trees

我在尝试不使用 .Compile() 的情况下从表达式树中获取对象的值时遇到问题


var userModel = new UserModel { Email = "John@Doe.com"};


private void VisitMemberAccess(MemberExpression expression, MemberExpression left)
    var key = left != null ? left.Member.Name : expression.Member.Name;
    if (expression.Expression.NodeType.ToString() == "Parameter")
        // add the string key
        _strings.Add(string.Format("[{0}]", key));
        // add the string parameter
        _strings.Add(string.Format("@{0}", key));

        // Potential NullReferenceException
        var val = (expression.Member as FieldInfo).GetValue((expression.Expression as ConstantExpression).Value);

        // add parameter value
        Parameters.Add("@" + key, val);


[Test]  // PASS
public void ShouldVisitExpressionByGuidObject ()
    // Setup
    var id = new Guid( "CCAF57D9-88A4-4DCD-87C7-DB875E0D4E66" );
    const string expectedString = "[Id] = @Id";
    var expectedParameters = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "@Id", id } };

    // Execute
    var actualExpression = TestExpression<UserModel>( u => u.Id == id );
    var actualParameters = actualExpression.Parameters;
    var actualString = actualExpression.WhereExpression;

    // Test
    Assert.AreEqual( expectedString, actualString );
    CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent( expectedParameters, actualParameters );
[Test]  // FAIL [System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
public void ShouldVisitExpressionByStringObject ()
    // Setup
    var expectedUser = new UserModel {Email = "john@doe.com"};

    const string expectedString = "[Email] = @Email";
    var expectedParameters = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "@Email", expectedUser.Email } };

    // Execute
    var actualExpression = TestExpression<UserModel>( u => u.Email == expectedUser.Email );
    var actualParameters = actualExpression.Parameters;
    var actualString = actualExpression.WhereExpression;

    // Assert
    Assert.AreEqual( expectedString, actualString );
    CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent( expectedParameters, actualParameters );


var val = (expression.Member as FieldInfo).GetValue((expression.Expression as ConstantExpression).Value);

var val = Expression.Lambda( expression ).Compile().DynamicInvoke().ToString();

将允许测试通过,但是此代码需要在 iOS 上运行,因此不能使用 .Compile()


只要您不使用 EmitCompile,就可以使用反射。在问题中,正在为 FieldInfo 提取值,但没有为 PropertyInfo 提取值。确保您可以同时获得两者。

if ((expression.Member as PropertyInfo) != null)
    // get the value from the PROPERTY

else if ((expression.Member as FieldInfo) != null)
    // get the value from the FIELD
    throw new InvalidMemberException();


所以评论为我指明了正确的方向。我在获取 PropertyInfo 时遇到了一些困难,但最终,这就是我想出的。

private void VisitMemberAccess(MemberExpression expression, MemberExpression left)
    // To preserve Case between key/value pairs, we always want to use the LEFT side of the expression.
    // therefore, if left is null, then expression is actually left. 
    // Doing this ensures that our `key` matches between parameter names and database fields
    var key = left != null ? left.Member.Name : expression.Member.Name;

    // If the NodeType is a `Parameter`, we want to add the key as a DB Field name to our string collection
    // Otherwise, we want to add the key as a DB Parameter to our string collection
    if (expression.Expression.NodeType.ToString() == "Parameter")
        _strings.Add(string.Format("[{0}]", key));
        _strings.Add(string.Format("@{0}", key));

        // If the key is being added as a DB Parameter, then we have to also add the Parameter key/value pair to the collection
        // Because we're working off of Model Objects that should only contain Properties or Fields,
        // there should only be two options. PropertyInfo or FieldInfo... let's extract the VALUE accordingly
        var value = new object();
        if ((expression.Member as PropertyInfo) != null)
            var exp = (MemberExpression) expression.Expression;
            var constant = (ConstantExpression) exp.Expression;
            var fieldInfoValue = ((FieldInfo) exp.Member).GetValue(constant.Value);
            value = ((PropertyInfo) expression.Member).GetValue(fieldInfoValue, null);

        else if ((expression.Member as FieldInfo) != null)
            var fieldInfo = expression.Member as FieldInfo;
            var constantExpression = expression.Expression as ConstantExpression;
            if (fieldInfo != null & constantExpression != null)
                value = fieldInfo.GetValue(constantExpression.Value);
            throw new InvalidMemberException();

        // Add the Parameter Key/Value pair.
        Parameters.Add("@" + key, value);

本质上,如果 Member.NodeType 是一个 Parameter,那么我将把它用作 SQL 字段。 [字段名]

否则,我将它用作 SQL 参数 @FieldName ...我知道倒退。

如果 Member.NodeType 不是参数,那么我会检查它是模型 Field 还是模型 Property。从那里,我获得了适当的值,并将键/值对添加到字典中以用作 SQL 参数。


[FieldName] = @FieldName


var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> Parameters;
parameters.Add("@FieldName", "The value of the field");

关于c# - 如何在没有 .Compile() 的情况下从 MemberExpression 获取属性值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19718560/


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