C# 更改光标的点击/指向位置?

标签 c# winforms mouse-cursor


我有一个自定义光标(位图图像​​),它是一个 16x16 大小的圆圈,我希望它的正中心成为指针。我有另一个类似箭头的自定义光标,它也指向左下方 16x16,我希望光标的左下角成为指针。我认为游标类中有一个属性用于此,但我不确定它叫什么。


这实际上是在 CUR 中指定的 file format .

The CUR file format is an almost identical image file format for non-animated cursors in Microsoft Windows. The only differences between these two file formats are the bytes used to identify them and the addition of a hotspot in the CUR format header; the hotspot is defined as the pixel offset (in x,y coordinates) from the top-left corner of the cursor image where the user is actually pointing the mouse.

可以编辑 CUR 文件的程序通常允许您指定热点。更多信息可以在 this question 中找到.

关于C# 更改光标的点击/指向位置?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6797884/


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