c# - 如何转换为 C# 中的泛型参数?

标签 c# generics casting linq-to-xml xelement

我正在尝试编写一个通用方法来获取 XElement强类型时尚的值(value)。这是我拥有的:

public static class XElementExtensions
    public static XElement GetElement(this XElement xElement, string elementName)
        // Calls xElement.Element(elementName) and returns that xElement (with some validation).

    public static TElementType GetElementValue<TElementType>(this XElement xElement, string elementName)
        XElement element = GetElement(xElement, elementName);
            return (TElementType)((object) element.Value); // First attempt.
        catch (InvalidCastException originalException)
            string exceptionMessage = string.Format("Cannot cast element value '{0}' to type '{1}'.", element.Value,
            throw new InvalidCastException(exceptionMessage, originalException);

正如您在 First attempt 上看到的那样GetElementValue行,我正在尝试从字符串 -> 对象 -> TElementType。不幸的是,这不适用于整数测试用例。运行以下测试时:

public void GetElementValueShouldReturnValueOfIntegerElementAsInteger()
    const int expectedValue = 5;
    const string elementName = "intProp";
    var xElement = new XElement("name");
    var integerElement = new XElement(elementName) { Value = expectedValue.ToString() };

    int value = XElementExtensions.GetElementValue<int>(xElement, elementName);

    Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, value, "Expected integer value was not returned from element.");

我在 GetElementValue<int> 时得到以下异常被称为:

System.InvalidCastException : Cannot cast element value '5' to type 'Int32'.



您也可以试试 Convert.ChangeType

Convert.ChangeType(element.Value, typeof(TElementType))

关于c# - 如何转换为 C# 中的泛型参数?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3881140/


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