C# 关闭标准输出

标签 c# console redirectstandardoutput

我希望能够像 wget -b 一样从控制台分离我的程序。代码片段可能看起来像

static void Main(string[] args)
    var settings = new Settings(args);
    if (settings.Background)
        /*Tell the user what's going on.*/
        System.Console.WriteLine("Detatching from console. The program will still be running.");
    /*do work then exit.*/

但是 System.Console.Out.Close(); 没有做正确的事情。

澄清一下,“正确的事情”是,当从控制台运行这个程序时,提示应该重新出现。或者,当从 explorer.exe 运行此程序时,控制台窗口应该关闭。



您引用的wget 的源代码可用here .您会注意到在 mswindows.c 的第 193 - 314 行中,实现了一个 fork 过程。它们产生了一个新的 wget 实例,并向它传递相同的参数。


Windows doesn't support the fork() call; so we fake it by invoking another copy of Wget with the same arguments with which we were invoked.

在第 102 行:

Under Windows 9x, if we were launched from a 16-bit process ... the parent process should resume right away. Under NT ... this is a futile gesture as the parent will wait for us to terminate before resuming.


关于C# 关闭标准输出,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9913120/


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