c# - 数据契约已知类型和一组相互继承的接口(interface)

标签 c# wcf exception-handling datacontractserializer known-types

我开发(重写到 WCF)一个接受 string[] 并返回 ISection[] 的文件解析 Web 服务,但实际上这是一组嵌套接口(interface):

namespace Project.Contracts // Project.Contracts.dll
    public interface ISection { }

    public interface ISummarySection : ISection { }

    public interface IDataSection : ISection { }


namespace Project.Format.A // Project.Format.A.dll
    public class SummarySectionFormatA : ISummarySection { }

    public class DataSectionFormatA : IDataSection { }


public interface IService // Project.Contracts.dll
    ISection[] Parse(string format, string[] data);

[ServiceKnownType(typeof(SummarySectionFormatA))] // tried this also
public class Service : IService // Project.Service.dll
    public ISection[] Parse(string format, string[] data)
        return Factory.Create(format).Parse(data);

我尝试在服务器和客户端上配置 declaredTypes:

      <add type="Project.Contracts.ISumarySection, Project.Contracts">
        <knownType type="Project.Format.A.SummarySectionFormatA, Project.Format.A" />
      <add type="Project.Contracts.IDataSection, Project.Contracts">
        <knownType type="Project.Format.A.DataSectionFormatA, Project.Format.A" />


"Type 'DataSectionFormatA' with data contract name 'DataSection:http://schemas.example.com/Parse' is not expected.

The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.

我无法使用 KnownTypeAttribute 修饰接口(interface),因为 Contracts 项目不引用 Format 项目,引用会破坏设计。这就是我要使用配置的原因。



public interface IService {}

public class Service : IService {}

关于c# - 数据契约已知类型和一组相互继承的接口(interface),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11272672/


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