c# - NancyFx 将模型绑定(bind)到动态类型?

标签 c# .net model-binding nancy

在 Nancy 中,有没有办法将 POST 请求的内容绑定(bind)到动态类型?


// sample POST data: { "Name": "TestName", "Value": "TestValue" }

// model class
public class MyClass {
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Value { get; set; }

// NancyFx POST url
Post["/apiurl"] = p => {

    // this binding works just fine
    var stronglyTypedModel = this.Bind<MyClass>();

    // the following bindings do not work
    // there are no 'Name' or 'Value' properties on the resulting object
    dynamic dynamicModel1 = this.Bind();
    var dynamicModel2 = this.Bind<dynamic>();
    ExpandoObject dynamicModel3 = this.Bind();
    var dynamicModel4 = this.Bind<ExpandoObject>();



开箱即用的 Nancy 不支持动态模型绑定(bind)。 TheCodeJunkie 已经编写了一个快速的 ModelBinder 来实现这一目标。



dynamic model = this.Bind<DynamicDictionary>();

关于c# - NancyFx 将模型绑定(bind)到动态类型?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16722311/


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