c# - 单声道任务并行库实现?

标签 c# mono task-parallel-library

Mono 是否实现了 Task Parallel 库?如果是这样,.NET 和单声道之间的性能比较如何。


这是在 Mono 2.6 版中实现的。

From the release notes:


This release includes some components of the ParallelFx framework that were developed as part of Google Summer Of Code 2008 & 2009. More precisely, it contains the Task Parallel Library and Data Structures For Coordination.

Using ParallelFx, you can easily develop software that can automatically take advantage of the parallel potential of today multicore machines. For that purpose, several new constructs like futures, parallel loops or concurrent collections are now available.

To use this code you have to manually enable the .NET 4 profile using the --with-profile4=yes switch at configure stage.

关于c# - 单声道任务并行库实现?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5170846/


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