c# - LINQ多对多关系,如何写出正确的WHERE子句?

标签 c# linq entity-framework-4 dbcontext



var query = from post in context.Posts
        from tag in post.Tags where tag.TagId == 10
        select post;

好的,它工作正常。我收到的帖子具有由 id 指定的标签。

我有一组标签 ID。我想获得包含我收藏中所有标签的帖子。


var tagIds = new int[]{1, 3, 7, 23, 56};

var query = from post in context.Posts
        from tag in post.Tags where tagIds.Contains( tag.TagId )
        select post;



post.Tags.Whare(x => x.TagId = 1 && x.TagId = 3 && x.TagId = 7 && ... )


您不应该在外部 查询中投影每个帖子的标签;相反,您需要使用一个内部查询来执行对外部过滤器的检查。 (在 SQL 中,我们过去称它为 correlated subquery。)

var query = 
    from post in context.Posts
    where post.Tags.All(tag => tagIds.Contains(tag.TagId))
    select post;


var query = 
    context.Posts.Where(post =>
        post.Tags.All(tag => 

编辑:根据 Slauma’s clarification 更正.下面的版本返回的帖子至少包含 tagIds 集合中的所有标签。

var query = 
    from post in context.Posts
    where tagIds.All(requiredId => post.Tags.Any(tag => tag.TagId == requiredId))
    select post;


var query = 
    context.Posts.Where(post => 
        tagIds.All(requiredId => 
            post.Tags.Any(tag =>
                tag.TagId == requiredId)));

编辑2:根据 Slauma 更正了上面的内容。还包括另一种充分利用以下查询语法的替代方法:

// Project posts from context for which
// no Ids from tagIds are not matched
// by any tags from post
var query =
    from post in context.Posts
        // Project Ids from tagIds that are
        // not matched by any tags from post
        from requiredId in tagIds
            // Project tags from post that match requiredId
            from tag in post.Tags
            where tag.TagId == requiredId
            select tag
        ).Any() == false
        select requiredId 
    ).Any() == false
    select post;

我使用 .Any() == false 来模拟 Transact-SQL 中的 NOT EXISTS 运算符。

关于c# - LINQ多对多关系,如何写出正确的WHERE子句?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10505595/


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