c# - ComponentSerializationService 不反序列化所有属性

标签 c#

我正在使用找到的 ComponentSerializationService here :


在我的例子中 - 我有一个简单的按钮,我已经改变了背景颜色。


public object Serialize(ICollection objects)
         var serializationService = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ComponentSerializationService)) as ComponentSerializationService;

         if (serializationService == null)
            throw new Exception("ComponentSerializationService not found");

         SerializationStore returnObject;

         using (var serializationStore = serializationService.CreateStore())
            foreach (object obj in objects)
               if (obj is Control)
                  serializationService.Serialize(serializationStore, obj);

            returnObject = serializationStore;

         return returnObject;


public ICollection Deserialize(object serializationData)
         var serializationStore = serializationData as SerializationStore;

         if (serializationStore == null)
            return new object[] {};

         var componentSerializationService = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ComponentSerializationService)) as ComponentSerializationService;

         if (componentSerializationService == null)
            throw new Exception("ComponentSerializationService not found");

         var collection = componentSerializationService.Deserialize(serializationStore);

         return collection;




你应该看看这个,看看 SerializeAbsolute 是否适合你:)



Standard serialization, as implemented through the Serialize method, only serializes values that differ from the component's default state. This provides the most compact serialization mechanism but assumes that a newly created object will be used during deserialization. If an existing object is used, the resulting deserialized object is not guaranteed to duplicate the original state of the serialized object; the properties that contained default values during serialization will not be reset back to their defaults during deserialization. The SerializeAbsolute method does not use this shortcut. It serializes all properties of the source object so that deserialization can restore all the object's properties, regardless of default state.

关于c# - ComponentSerializationService 不反序列化所有属性,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35722234/


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