c# - 为什么我的 CPU 使用率一直是 0%?

标签 c# .net winforms

这就是我在 form1 中所做的:

void PopulateApplications()
    DoubleBufferedd(dataGridView1, true);

    int rcount = dataGridView1.Rows.Count;
    int rcurIndex = 0;

    foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcesses())
            if (File.Exists(p.MainModule.FileName))
                memoryUsage = Core.getallmemoryusage(p.ProcessName);
                cpuusage = Core.processes;

                var icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(p.MainModule.FileName);
                Image ima = icon.ToBitmap();
                ima = resizeImage(ima, new Size(25, 25));
                ima = (Image)(new Bitmap(ima, new Size(25, 25)));
                String status = p.Responding ? "Running" : "Not Responding";

                if (rcurIndex < rcount - 1)
                    var currentRow = dataGridView1.Rows[rcurIndex];
                    currentRow.Cells[0].Value = ima;
                    currentRow.Cells[1].Value = p.ProcessName;
                    currentRow.Cells[2].Value = cpuusage;
                    currentRow.Cells[3].Value = memoryUsage;
                    currentRow.Cells[4].Value = status;
                    dataGridView1.Rows.Add(ima, p.ProcessName,cpuusage,memoryUsage, status);//false, ima, p.ProcessName, status);

        catch ( Exception e)
            string t = "error";

    if (rcurIndex < rcount - 1)
        for (int i = rcurIndex; i < rcount - 1; i++)

现在是 form1 PopulateApplications 中的方法,我每 5 秒从计时器滴答事件中调用它。 然后我每次循环处理这些进程并获取内存使用情况和 CPU 使用情况。 这是Core类中内存和CPU的方法。


public static string getallmemoryusage(string processName)
    var counter = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "Working Set - Private", processName);
    privateMemeory = (counter.NextValue() / 1024 / 1024).ToString();
    //string.Format("Private memory: {0}k", counter.NextValue() / 1024 / 1024);
    return privateMemeory;           

问题出在 getcpu 方法上。我需要让它每 1000 毫秒休眠几次以获得 CPU 使用率。如果我在这个方法上使用断点,我会得到最后的值。问题是当我每 5 秒调用 form1 中的方法时,它也会每 5 秒调用并执行此 getcpu 并且那些线程 sleep 使其工作非常慢。如果我将线程休眠设置为 10 毫秒,它会更快,但大多数进程的使用率会达到 0% 或 100%。

public static string  getcpu(string name)
    var cpuload = new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total");

    processes = Convert.ToInt32(cpuload.NextValue()) + "%";

    processes = cpuload.NextValue() + "%";

    processes = cpuload.NextValue() + "%";

    processes = cpuload.NextValue() + "%";

    processes = cpuload.NextValue() + "%";

    return processes;


当测量 % Processor Time 时,Thread.Sleep(1000) 是必需的,因为 .NextValue() 调用决定了时间,自上次调用 .NextValue() 以来使用了处理器。有关此计算的更多信息,请查看 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/bclteam/how-to-read-performance-counters-ryan-byington .


  1. 由于您传递的是进程名称,我假设您想要测量单个进程的处理器时间。但是由于您没有在您的方法中使用该参数,因此您测量的是总体平均系统处理器时间。


public static double GetCpuUsage(Process process)
    PerformanceCounter cpuCounter = new PerformanceCounter();

    cpuCounter.CategoryName = "Process";
    cpuCounter.InstanceName = process.ProcessName;
    cpuCounter.CounterName = "% Processor Time";

    // The first call will always return 0
    // That's why we need to sleep 1 second 
    // The second call determines, the % of time that the monitored process uses on 
    // % User time for a single processor. 
    // So the limit is 100% * the number of processors you have.
    double processorUsagePercent = cpuCounter.NextValue();

    // Hence we need to divide by the number of processors to get the average CPU usage of one process during the time measured
    return processorUsagePercent / Environment.ProcessorCount;

请注意计数器类别的"Processor""Process" 之间的区别。

  1. 为什么连续多次调用 .NextValue() 然后只返回最后一个值?这使您的方法如此缓慢。上面示例中显示的两个计算就足够了。

  2. 当您想要监视多个进程时,您不必在每次调用 .NextValue() 之间等待一秒钟。您只需确保自上次在特定计数器上调用 .NextValue() 以来至少过去了一秒钟。因此,对于多个进程,您可以使用这样的方法:

    public static Dictionary GetCpuUsages(Process[] 进程) { //每个进程需要一个性能计数器 PerformanceCounter[] counters = new PerformanceCounter[processes.Length];

     // Instantiate a new counter per process
     for(int i = 0; i < processes.Length; i++)
         PerformanceCounter processorTimeCounter = new PerformanceCounter(
             "% Processor Time",
         // Call NextValue once to have a reference value
         // Add it to the array
         counters[i] = processorTimeCounter;
     // Sleep one second to have accurate measurement
     // Here we store the processes along with their measurement in a dictionary
     Dictionary<Process, double> cpuUsageDictionary = new Dictionary<Process, double>();
     for (int i = 0; i < counters.Length; i++)
         // Determine CPU usage and divide by the number of cores
         double cpuUsage = counters[i].NextValue() / Environment.ProcessorCount;
         // And now we add one key/value pair per process along with its cpu time measurement
         cpuUsageDictionary.Add(processes[i],  cpuUsage);
     return cpuUsageDictionary;

关于c# - 为什么我的 CPU 使用率一直是 0%?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24122604/


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