c# - 如何在 OxyPlot 图表上绘制多个 LineSeries?

标签 c# wpf charts oxyplot lineseries

我很抱歉问了这么多 OxyPlot 问题,但我似乎真的很难使用 OxyPlot 图表控件。

我的项目是 WPF 格式的,所以我最初使用的是一个托管的 WINFORMS 图表,它工作起来非常棒,并且完成了我需要它做的所有事情,直到我需要在托管的 winform 图表上覆盖一个 WPF 元素。由于“AirSpace”问题,无论我做什么,我都无法看到放在托管图表顶部的 WPF 元素。那是我决定使用 OxyPlot 的时候,到目前为止,这让我很头疼。

这是我的 origional question !我在 CodePlex 问过。我在那里似乎没有得到太多帮助,所以我在这里再试一次。


有谁知道如何将多个 LineSeries 绘制到一个绘图上?


我正在获取一个 c# 列表数组并添加一个新的 LineSeries 副本,其中包含要绘制的新数据。我的代码:

    // Function to plot data
    private void plotData(double numWeeks, double startingSS)

        // Initialize new Salt Split class for acess to data variables
        Salt_Split_Builder calcSS = new Salt_Split_Builder();
        calcSS.compute(numWeeks, startingSS, maxDegSS);

        // Create the OxyPlot graph for Salt Split
        OxyPlot.Wpf.PlotView plot = new OxyPlot.Wpf.PlotView();

        var model = new PlotModel();

        // Add Chart Title
        model.Title = "Salt Split Degradation";

        // Create new Line Series
        LineSeries linePoints = new LineSeries() { StrokeThickness = 1, MarkerSize = 1, Title = numWeeks.ToString() + " weeks" };

        // Add each point to the new series
        foreach (var point in calcSS.saltSplitCurve)
            DataPoint XYpoint = new DataPoint();
            XYpoint = new DataPoint(point.Key, point.Value * 100);
            linePoints.Format("%", XYpoint.Y);


        // Define X-Axis
        var Xaxis = new OxyPlot.Axes.LinearAxis();
        Xaxis.Maximum = numWeeks;
        Xaxis.Minimum = 0;
        Xaxis.Position = OxyPlot.Axes.AxisPosition.Bottom;
        Xaxis.Title = "Number of Weeks";

        //Define Y-Axis
        var Yaxis = new OxyPlot.Axes.LinearAxis();
        Yaxis.MajorStep = 15;
        Yaxis.Maximum = calcSS.saltSplitCurve.Last().Value * 100;
        Yaxis.MaximumPadding = 0;
        Yaxis.Minimum = 0;
        Yaxis.MinimumPadding = 0;
        Yaxis.MinorStep = 5;
        Yaxis.Title = "Percent Degradation";

        // Add Each series to the
        foreach (var series in listPointAray)
            LineSeries newpoints = new LineSeries();
            newpoints = linePoints;

        // Add the plot to the window
        plot.Model = model;



The element cannot be added, it already belongs to a Plot Model

下面的图是我想要生成的图类型(使用 WinForms Chart 控件效果很好):




这就是我之前在 OxyPlot 图表上创建多条线的方式,关键是为每个系列创建一组数据点 - 在以下示例代码中称为 circlePoints 和 linePoints,然后将它们绑定(bind)到 CircleSeries 和 LineSeries:

var xAxis = new DateTimeAxis
    Position = AxisPosition.Bottom,
    StringFormat = Constants.MarketData.DisplayDateFormat,
    Title = "End of Day",
    IntervalLength = 75,
    MinorIntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Days,
    IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Days,
    MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid,
    MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.None,

var yAxis = new LinearAxis
    Position = AxisPosition.Left,
    Title = "Value",
    MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid,
    MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.None

var plot = new PlotModel();

var circlePoints = new[]
    new ScatterPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(date1), value1),
    new ScatterPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(date2), value2),

var circleSeries =  new ScatterSeries
    MarkerSize = 7,
    MarkerType = MarkerType.Circle,
    ItemsSource = circlePoints

var linePoints = new[]
    new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(date1), value1),
    new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(date2), value2),

var lineSeries = new LineSeries
    StrokeThickness = 2,
    Color = LineDataPointColor,
    ItemsSource = linePoints


关于c# - 如何在 OxyPlot 图表上绘制多个 LineSeries?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24938689/


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