c# - 类型 'System.Int32' 的表达式不能用于方法 'System.Object' 的类型 'Boolean Equals(System.Object)' 的参数

标签 c# .net linq linq-expressions

我有一种常见的 GridView 列过滤器方法,可以明智地使用 ColumnName 和 SearchText 过滤 GridView 记录。在这里,当我对可为空的 int 数据列进行操作时,此方法会抛出错误,例如:

Expression of type 'System.Int32' cannot be used for parameter of type 'System.Object' of method 'Boolean Equals(System.Object)'


 public static IQueryable<T> FilterForColumn<T>(this IQueryable<T> queryable, string colName, string searchText)
    if (colName != null && searchText != null)
        var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "m");
        var propertyExpression = Expression.Property(parameter, colName);
        System.Linq.Expressions.ConstantExpression searchExpression = null;
        System.Reflection.MethodInfo containsMethod = null;
        // this must be of type Expression to accept different type of expressions
        // i.e. BinaryExpression, MethodCallExpression, ...
        System.Linq.Expressions.Expression body = null;
        Expression ex1 = null;
        Expression ex2 = null;
        switch (colName)
            case "JobID":
            case "status_id":
                Int32 _int = Convert.ToInt32(searchText);
                searchExpression = Expression.Constant(_int);
                containsMethod = typeof(Int32).GetMethod("Equals", new[] { typeof(Int32) });
                body = Expression.Call(propertyExpression, containsMethod, searchExpression);
            case "group_id":
                Int32? _int1 = Convert.ToInt32(searchText);
                searchExpression = Expression.Constant(_int1);
                containsMethod = typeof(Int32?).GetMethod("Equals", new[] { typeof(Int32?) });                     
                //Error throws from this line
                body = Expression.Call(propertyExpression, containsMethod, searchExpression);

            case "FileSize":
            case "TotalFileSize":
                Int64? _int2 = Convert.ToInt64(searchText);
                searchExpression = Expression.Constant(_int2);
                containsMethod = typeof(Int64?).GetMethod("Equals", new[] { typeof(Int64?) });
                body = Expression.Call(propertyExpression, containsMethod, searchExpression);
            // section for DateTime? properties
            case "PublishDate":
            case "Birth_date":
            case "Anniversary_date":
            case "Profile_Updated_datetime":
            case "CompletedOn":
                DateTime currentDate = DateTime.ParseExact(searchText, "dd/MM/yyyy", null);
                DateTime nextDate = currentDate.AddDays(1);
                ex1 = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(propertyExpression, Expression.Constant(currentDate, typeof(DateTime?)));
                ex2 = Expression.LessThan(propertyExpression, Expression.Constant(nextDate, typeof(DateTime?)));
                body = Expression.AndAlso(ex1, ex2);
            // section for DateTime properties
            case "Created_datetime":
            case "Reminder_Date":
            case "News_date":
            case "thought_date":
            case "SubscriptionDateTime":
            case "Register_datetime":
            case "CreatedOn":
                DateTime currentDate1 = DateTime.ParseExact(searchText, "dd/MM/yyyy", null);
                DateTime nextDate1 = currentDate1.AddDays(1);
                ex1 = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(propertyExpression, Expression.Constant(currentDate1));
                ex2 = Expression.LessThan(propertyExpression, Expression.Constant(nextDate1));
                body = Expression.AndAlso(ex1, ex2);
                searchExpression = Expression.Constant(searchText);
                containsMethod = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) });
                body = Expression.Call(propertyExpression, containsMethod, searchExpression);
        var predicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(body, new[] { parameter });
        return queryable.Where(predicate);
        return queryable;


var query = Helper.GetUsers().Where(u => u.Id != user_id).OrderByDescending(u => u.Register_datetime).Select(u => new
                      Id = u.Id,
                      Name = u.First_name + " " + u.Last_name,
                      IsActive = u.IsActive,
                      IsVerified = u.IsVerified,
                      Username = u.Username,
                      password = u.password,
                      Birth_date = u.Birth_date,
                      Anniversary_date = u.Anniversary_date,
                      status_id = u.status_id,
                      group_id = u.group_id,
                      Profile_Updated_datetime = u.Profile_Updated_datetime,
                      Register_datetime = u.Register_datetime
                  }).FilterForColumn(ColumnName, SearchText).ToList();

这里我包含了我的 query.GetType().ToString() 结果,以便更好地理解我对其操作的列的类型。




this question 中找到了解决方案.您需要将表达式转换为 Object在调用 Equals(object) 之前方法:

var converted = Expression.Convert(searchExpression, typeof(object));
body = Expression.Call(propertyExpression, containsMethod, converted);

Nicodemus13明确设置 searchExpression 的建议的类型为 Object首先也应该工作。


我还没有发现问题,但我已经使用 Linqpad 在 SSCCE 中重现了这个问题:

void Main()
    var myInstance = new myClass();
    var equalsMethod = typeof(Int32?).GetMethod("Equals", new[] { typeof(Int32?) });
    int? nullableInt = 1;
    var nullableIntExpr = System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Constant(nullableInt);
    var myInstanceExpr = System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Constant(myInstance);
    var propertyExpr = System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Property(myInstanceExpr, "MyProperty");
    var result = Expression.Call(propertyExpr,equalsMethod,nullableIntExpr); // This line throws the exception.

class myClass{public int? MyProperty{get;set;}}


containsMethod = typeof(Int32?).GetMethod("Equals", new[] { typeof(Int32?) });

返回 MethodInfo对于方法 Int32?.Equals (Object other) .注意参数类型是object , 不是 Int32 (或 Int32? )如您所料。

原因是typeof(Int32?)System.Nullable<Int32> ,它只有 Equals(object)方法。

关于c# - 类型 'System.Int32' 的表达式不能用于方法 'System.Object' 的类型 'Boolean Equals(System.Object)' 的参数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23077366/


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