c# - 如何将两个任务结果合并为第三个任务?

标签 c# task-parallel-library

如何执行 System.Threading.Task 作为两个或多个其他任务结果的延续?

public Task<FinalResult> RunStepsAsync()
    Task<Step1Result> task1 = Task<Step1Result>.Factory.StartNew(Step1);

    // Use the result of step 1 in steps 2A and 2B
    Task<Step2AResult> task2A = task1.ContinueWith(t1 => Step2A(t1.Result));
    Task<Step2BResult> task2B = task1.ContinueWith(t1 => Step2B(t1.Result));

    // Now merge the results of steps 2A and 2B in step 3
    Task<FinalResult> task3 = task2A
            t2A => task2B.ContinueWith(
                t2B => Step3(t2A.Result, t2B.Result)))
    return task3;

这可行,但双 ContinueWith 似乎效率低下。有没有更好的方法来做到这一点,也许使用 TaskCompletionSource? (我不想使用锁或 Task.WaitAll。)


使用TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll .

class Step1Result {}
class Step2AResult
    public Step2AResult(Step1Result result) {}
class Step2BResult
    public Step2BResult(Step1Result result) {}
class FinalResult 
    public FinalResult(Step2AResult step2AResult, Step2BResult step2BResult) {}

    public Task<FinalResult> RunStepsAsync()
        var task1 = Task<Step1Result>.Factory.StartNew(() => new Step1Result());

        // Use the result of step 1 in steps 2A and 2B
        var task2A = task1.ContinueWith(t1 => new Step2AResult(t1.Result));
        var task2B = task1.ContinueWith(t1 => new Step2BResult(t1.Result));

        // Now merge the results of steps 2A and 2B in step 3
        return Task <FinalResult>
            .ContinueWhenAll(new Task[] { task2A, task2B }, tasks => new FinalResult(task2A.Result, task2B.Result));

关于c# - 如何将两个任务结果合并为第三个任务?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10294302/


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